Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Good Night Irene

After losing power for over a day, we have finally regrouped enough to share some of our "  Hurricane Irene " experience with you. We're thankin' our lucky stars that there isn't much to report in the way of bad news. By the time she arrived to our part of the eastern seaboard she had been down graded to a tropical storm warning. Which means high winds and gusts of 50 miles per hour at times with rain and flooding in some places. We had received a recorded message on Friday that chances of an evacuation were possible. We were all on edge thinking it might become a reality. At that point the media was still calling Irene a Category 3 Hurricane. Luckily we didn't have to evacuate but we did lose power early Saturday and although the news media was telling us to stay off the roads, our curiosity got the best of us and we decided to head down to a local beach to catch some waves on the old camera... You'll see in a bit that Boz did more than capture them... He just HAD to get in the water!!!

Our oldest taking in the wind and the waves from ashore!

When he said he was going back to the car to get his ear plugs I thought he was kidding, but then he does the Polar Plunge fundraiser every March with the Boy Scouts so who was I kidding? Does he look happy or what? Yes, that's a smile ( a big teeth showin' smile ) not an I'm freezin' my Yankee behind off smile.

We weren't the only curious ones at the beach. There were three divers who also braved the waters, but most folks were observing from ashore. 

The wind was strong and warm and at times the stinging sand made us think we ought to hightail it out of there, but we stayed a little longer just to feel the moist air and hear the rush of the waves.

The storm was at its worst that evening. With darker skies the cottage hens retired earlier than usual to the coop! I had made sure they were well watered and fed with reserves inside the coop in case we had a long hard rain. But even that didn't happen!

Soon we were on our way home. Taking the scenic rt through a nearby beach community I spotted  more of my coveted picket fences! 

This artistic homeowner has shingles on their home in the shape of waves and the tops of their picket fence has been cleverly designed with its own wave pattern too!Crushed oyster shells on the ground in front of the fence put the finishing touches on this beach house. 

 Back home we let Irene dictate the rest of our day and night. We read, took naps and cooked left over Chinese food on our charcoal grill. We dug out the kerosene lanterns, flashlights, and battery operated candles. We had already stocked up on water, bread and cold cuts, fruit, and light breakfast items.
That evening we had ourselves a no power picnic followed by a rousing game of Sequence! 

Despite now power we made the best of  the situation and tried to have fun! 
We said good night to Irene and turned in. 

The next day we woke up to clear blue skies, still no power ( it was finally restored later in the afternoon ) and lots of leaves and limbs in the yard but jubilant that we had faired well. 

Here's hopin' you did too! 

 What did you do to get through the storm? If you were going to have a no power picnic, what would you serve?

Thanks to all for your well wishes for our safety during storm watch!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Late Summer Blooms and Chores

Busy Bee on a Lemon Queen blossom. 

Summer is hardly over. The Bee's are still busy and flowers are still blooming! It's not time to put the garden to bed just yet. Come take a peak at whats still bloomin' at Dandelion House! Please excuse the wheel barrel, I've been weeding and cutting back perennials.

I took these photos before hurricane Irene was predicted to visit our area along the south coast of New England so I could preserve the last few beautiful summer days we've had here. As I type we are under a heavy blanket of fog but it's all sunshine here at Dandelion House! I confessed in a recent post Slim Pickins' that my veggie garden was pretty much a flop this year, but I'm happy to report my flower gardens have been a delight throughout the entire growing season!

The Maiden Grass has already feathered and  is such a calming force to watch as it blows in the breeze on a late summer afternoon.

The Nasturtiums which were seeded in early June, have climbed all the way up the trellis we put in place for the Lady Banks Rose that blooms in spring time on the Little Red Hen House.

I've let it just go wild!

Remember the stone wall and patio project? TA DA! The wall is finished!

The stone man ( Boz ) did a great job picking away at it all summer long in between work and  the beach! All that's left to do is cut the corner pieces with a stone cutting saw so they fit the circle and he can check this big project off the list for good!  

 Cock a doodle do!!!  Hi Rodeo!

Russian Sage blooms summer until the first frost and it's still pretty and purple!

The Catmint Nepetia is one of my favorite new additions to the garden this year. It grows super fast, has tripled in size and it also blooms summer - frost. 

The Hydrangea Endless Summer really does end, but not before it  fades from bright blue to a soft grayish, greenish purple.... I love it like this too!

 I bring them inside and place them in a vase without water so they can dry naturally. They last longer that way and the stems don't get moldy and create an odor.

Check out this You tube video on  Lemon Queen. You're gonna love it! The woman who created it gives this plant raves! After watching it, you'll be looking for a spot for one in your garden too! Look at the tallest pale yellow flowers in the photo below. They really do grow to 96 inches in partial shade, all in one season. 

 Thanks for stopping by friends! I loved having you in my garden!

Here's to a sunny Indian Summer and many warm September days.What's still blooming in your garden? Did you have a favorite new addition this year? I'd love to hear about it!
This post is linked to The Homestead Barn Hop and Tootsie's Fertilizer Friday!

Saturday Scenes with Boz

 " Calm Before the Storm " 
A Saturday Scene for your enjoyment ~ with Boz

We are on hurricane watch in our area of the south coast in New England. Irene is expected to arrive tomorrow eve bringing high winds and rain. We're battening down the hatches! To all of our friends along the coast... Stay safe! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Farmgirl Friday blog hop # 21 and a WINNER!

Heidi of  Simple Country Living blog  is the winner of the Sampler set of 16 Dandelion House Note Cards!

Congratulations Heidi! Be sure to pay Heidi a visit at her sweet blog and thanks so much to everyone for entering and playin', you know you're a farmirl when ...

Time to link up for this weeks dose of farmgirl soulfood!

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop:

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, hen house, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave a permalink in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post.

Loved this weeks entries... So much harvesting, jamming,  and yummy CREATIVE things going on at your homesteads! I can already feel a change in the air; all I can think about is getting Dandelion House ready for another autumn. My favorite season of the year!  How about you? Have your
thoughts started turning too?

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Goodbye Rudy ( and Rodeo too )

I always wondered what it would be like,
to have a Rooster like you.
To watch you grow and here you crow,
Cock a doodle do!!!

I'm a fan, you know that
of your early morning call,
but to some your song does absolutely nothing for them at all.

You've ruffled a few feathers in the neighborhood, and in the coop too!
I guess deep down I always knew,
 eventually you would!

Thank you for your watchful eye,
and looking after the girls.
I'm sorry fellas, it's adios
The Little Red Hen House is just for those
who look pretty wearing pearls.

I'm sorry Rudy, ( and Rodeo too ) we have to say goodbye. 
I'll miss your song and your handsome looks too.
I wish I could keep you, I really do!


Mother Hen

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Saturday Scenes with Boz

" Morning Glory "

A Saturday Scene for your enjoyment~ with Boz

Have a great weekend!

 Deb's latest BEACH blog is up at MaryJanesFarm! Go pay'r a visit!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Farmgirl Friday blog hop # 20 and a GIVE AWAY

Howdy there Farmgirls! It's Farmgirl Friday # 20 and I'm excited to offer a special give away this week to all of YOU as my way of saying THANKS a million for all YOU share with me each and every week on the FFBH!
I'm giving away the first sampler set of Dandelion House Notecards. 
The lucky winner will receive 16 notecards, 4 from each of these categories:

The Cottage Hens 

Home Grown

Home Sweet Cottage

Saturday Scenes with Boz 

Photo notecards make a wonderful handmade gift to friends and family as well as a gift to yourself. Some people say, " they're too darned pretty to give away " but that's just what they are perfect for! So, if you win, promise me you'll share them with those you love!

  TO ENTER: Finish this sentence ~ You know you're a farmgirl when...?  
Just leave a comment on this post anytime between now and next Thursday  and I'll announce the winner ( random drawing ) on next weeks Farmgirl Friday blog hop!

Time to link up for this weeks dose of farmgirl soulfood!
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop:

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, hen house, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave a permalink in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post.

Did you know MaryJane has her own blog now? I know! I'm so excited...It's called raisingjane... Go see her..!
You know you're a farmgirl when...
~ at least one MaryJanesFarm  magazine goes with you every time you leave the house just in case you need an uplifting farmgirl fix! I don't go too far with out my MaryJane! 

 Good luck!