Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keeping Watch~ a poem for your enjoyment

Happy Mothers Day girls!  I would like to share a little poem of gratitude with you that I wrote to my clients when I traded in my cutting sheers, mixing bowls and perm rods for late night feedings, diapers, bouncy chairs, and play dates and said HELLO to being a stay at home/homeschooling mom 12 years ago.
I hope you enjoy it and will find a little time to reflect on your years as a mom with joy this mothers day.

Keeping Watch

 I have a higher calling,
though sometimes it sounds like bawling,

I'll only get one chance
to get the ants out of their pants, and

to kiss and make it better
is the best job of all.
I must do it now,
before they grow to tall.

Everyone says, " It goes by so fast."
I fear that may be true.
So if you'll please pardon me,
I must bid you adieu.

By now you must know
how sad I am to go.
You've given me so much,
even if most days.
I did work through my lunch.

The fun we had
keeping your hair from looking bad
can never be replaced.

So, I'll keep you in my heart
while we're apart,
perhaps we'll meet again
in some other time and space.

Until then, take good care
of yourself and your hair!


PS. Surely there are better, more well written poems and writings on the meaning of motherhood. I believe every mother carries her own special feelings about motherhood and the importance her role will play in her child's life and in the world. These words are just a few of mine.


  1. Hey Deborah Jean! Your post inspired me for what I should write today on mine.
    You made the best choice, being a mom is the ultimate!
    Happy Mother's Day to you!

  2. I LOVED it!!! Poetry is what is in our hearts, and you expressed your heart's feelings well. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!! and thank you for stopping by my blog to comment. I always enjoy making new blog buddies!!!


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