Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pink Pants, PEARLS and Polka Dots

Is this card a hoot or what? My Aunt sent me this card after she had heard through the grapevine ( thanks mom ) that I had my first official hot flash. She was just having a little fun with me and welcoming me to the club! Don't pretend you don't know which club I'm talking about. You know darned well which one. The one where it's perfectly acceptable to wear pink pants with a yellow polka dotted blouse, and bright red shoes with lipstick to match and a nice string of pearls for the finishing touch.

I needed the laugh, believe me! I'd been moping around a little, giving in to ridiculous thoughts of being all washed up with nothing good left to offer the world. You've been there too? Not being one to wallow too long in the low lands of despair, I pulled myself up by my rhinestone cowboy boot straps and gave myself a good talking to. Then I got out my pistol's, ( after I dug them out from under the couch) blew the dust off both barrels, fired them off one at a time and by golly, I felt a whole lot better! The kids and dog ran for cover and my husband just shook his head and mumbled something under his breath about MEAN O' PAUSE.

Now that my own baby making days are almost officially over I'll be plenty busy birthing new ideas as time allows. I don't feel the pressure to set the world on fire like I did in my youth. I would much rather keep a nice a slow burn going, nourish my soul with my favorite people, places and things and CREATE with a sense of playful purpose!

I love seeing others do this too! Blogging has opened my eyes to the amazing talents we are surrounded by each and every day. Yet, another reminder that spirit offers up enough creative ideas for everyone if we just listen closely enough.

I'll be sharing more of my Creative Recycling projects with you and I look forward to seeing what my dumpster diving artsy blogging friends will share with us too!

I'll bring back new garden inspirations from my visit to Blitheswold Mansion and Gardens ( a real English Manor and Arboretum ) in Rhode Island. I can hardly wait!

May is the month for Mothers  ( aren't they all really? ) and I have a special post just for all my mothers and mothers to be.

until then,

Dandelion Wishes,

Deborah Jean~ ( heat packing mama )

" If you hear an idea rattling around in the back of your head, it's more than likely, meant for you " 


  1. Oh, you make me laugh! So been there and done that, well, still doing that. Welcome to the club!

  2. I remember my first hot flash. I knew it was coming but boy what a shocker. One night in the winter my husband kept getting closer and closer to me in bed until I was almost falling off. I asked him what he was doing. "You're so warm and it's cold in here!"

    He didn't find it all that wonderful in the summer.

    And he really didn't like the one where I made him get up in the middle of the night so I could change the sheets.

    The things we women have to go through.

  3. Too funny. I have found the "second" half of my life to be much more exciting and filled with possibility.
    New freedom and all the life experience makes for more informed decisions. Plus not worrying about what others think seems so much easier now. I live to please myself, enjoy family and friends and revel in the fact that I have raised two children to college age and now I am more free to pursue my own interests and share more time with my husband. My nest isn't completely empty yet but this is a wonderful time of new beginnings. Enjoy!!!

  4. I agree with IS a time of new beginnings and new freedoms and opportunities. Just like each stage of a child's life is something to delight in, so is ours.

    Older and wiser and happy...and still with a nest


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