Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day Dreamer

Day Dreamer

Have you ever sat and watched the clouds,
As they went floating by.

Just laid down flat upon the grass,
And looked up to the sky.

Have you ever watched a butterfly,
The color of its wings.

Have you ever really listened
To how a Robin sings.

Have you ever wandered in the rain,
The drops fell on your face.

Just took delight in how it felt,
No hurry…slowed your pace.

Have you ever sat down on the beach,
And let your thoughts run free.

And closed your eyes,
And felt the wind,

Happy…just to be!

Karen J. Dixon
April 4, 2010
Easter Sunday

 Karen Dixon is the author of Day Dreamer and the creator of this cute little bear sure to keep someones daydreams safe and sound until they come true! He's headed to a local arts and craft show where his someone special will most certainly find him! You might remember Karen from a previous post titled The Apple House where she told us the story of how her bears and poems come to fruition. Have I mentioned this wonderfully talented gal is my Aunt? I'm so pleased  to share one of her latest creation's with you and it couldn't be more timely...

 If ever thereWAS a month for Day Dreaming it's June. Day Dreamer describes perfectly what every " professional " day dreamer already knows! Just the thought of being freer to tend to our own daydreams what ever they may be, leaves us feeling lighter, brighter and ready for new adventures.

 Dandelion House Garden's are a fine example of some of my very own well spent day dreaming time and the flower's are putting on quite a show! Look for my NEW weekly post titled, IN BLOOM featuring our latest blossom's! I'll share a few creative recycling project's for the garden from the Dandelion Workshop.  Then....around mid-month, we'll take a trip to Cape Cod to see the art show I've been invited to participate in with two talented local artist's and friends called MULTIFARIOUS...


Pronunciation: "m&l-ti-'far-E-&s
Function: adjective : having or occurring in great variety : DIVERSE; also : uniting usually in an improper way distinct and independent matters, subjects, or causes multifarious, and we must break it down for analysis: a) the alleged reformation of the decree; and b) the order that appellant pay —Spradley v. Hutchison, 787 South Western Reporter, Second Series 214 (1990)> —compare MISJOINDER —mul·ti·far·i·ous·ness noun

I don't want to give away all of the Joys of June, so pop in from time to time and let me know you've visited!

Until then,
go find yourself a nice patch of green grass under a bright blue sky and do yourself a little (or a lot of ) day dreaming!

You'll just feel better, I promise!
Deborah Jean

( who is off to look up the legal definition of day dreaming )


  1. Hello dear Deborah Jean,

    I DO try to keep up with my friends too. Love reading thoughts, hopes, and dreams.

    Sending love from Wisconsin,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

    P.S. You should visit the CREATIVE blog of Judy Wise. She is fabulous and I think you'd love her works.

  2. Hi Sharon!

    Thanks for popping by today all the way from Wisconson...Your date in Falmouth is approaching quickly!
    Looking forward to it!

    Love to you both and continued joyful travels!

    ps. Visited Judy's blog! It's great! I had the pleasure of seeing some of her fantasic work in a gallery in Lincoln City, Oregon a couple of years ago.. Loved it!

  3. Well I have came over from Ranch Farmgirl blog because I really enjoyed reading your comment you left there. Now that I am here I found that I have visited you before, and quite recently at that. Have a great weekend!

  4. Deb,

    Thanks for sharing, very sweet and a good reminder to keep day dreaming!

  5. Hello there!

    Your website is FANTASTIC! Thanks for sharing it with me!

    :) Cindy

  6. I'm delighted!! Thank you!!

    Aunt Nan


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