Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

IN BLOOM~ Peonie

This is the first of my IN BLOOM  weekly posts and I'm devoting it solely to the beautiful Peonie.

 I'll let the petals speak for themselves!

  Are you ever inspired to paint what you grow in your garden?

 Their fragrance gives me the same old fashioned feeling as roses, lavender and lilac's do.

 Sweet, pungent and pure heaven to look at !!! 

We  only grow two Peonies plants in our garden and I would love to plant more! I just covet them when they blossom.

Here's something I DIDN'T KNOW about Peonies ( yes, they come in red too; but besides that ) when I planted ours 5 years ago.  The Peonie buds have a hard waxy coating on them that large carpenter aunts eat away so the bud can burst open...A Gardner friend told me about this while we stood over my peonies watching the aunts work their magic. Lunch for the ants...


It's never too late to  invite these beauties into your garden! Find a little spot and plop one in!
You'll be SO glad you did!

 Go HERE to learn more about the perfect planting time for Peonies and more secrets to growing these old fashioned charmers.

 Do you have something IN BLOOM that brings you immense joy, evokes a sweet memory or just plain tickles you every time you see it?  I would love to hear about it!

" I am following Nature without being able to grasp her...I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.” Claude Monet

This post is linked to Tootsie Time   Fertilizer Friday!


  1. Absoulutely beautiful!!!! My peonies have not yet opened. We have has such crazy weather, and I think they get to much shade.

  2. Thank you Julia!

    Hope they open up soon so you can enjoy them!


  3. They are lovely...I should see if they would grow here in my gardens.

  4. They are stunning. Mine did nothing last year so I need to look into getting me a couple more of them. Have a nice weekend.

  5. Good morning, What a lovely way to start this Friday morning. The sun is out, glistening on my new counter top, and coaxing the tulips to stick their heads up just a bit farther. I did not know about the carpenter ants, though I have seen them. I thought they were just I know, thank you. I have four Peonies and they are beautiful. I went out to water the new Sycamore just the other day and checked out the garden to see if there's any activity. No Peonies yet...but it's only a matter to time!
    Love, Nan

  6. Oh wow to have a peony in bloom right now. So wonderful. V

  7. The peony is one of my favorite flowers too. I always hope for cool weather when they bloom so they last longer. Your peonies are gorgeous. I am working on a little peony stained glass lamp right now for our bedroom. I'm so glad I found your pictures as they are the shade of pink I'm using. I can use your photos for a model!

  8. the guy next door gave me the red/ burgundy peony last year out of his garden...I can't wait!
    we woke up to 3 more inches of snow today!!! HELLO!!! MOTHER NATURE? IT'S MARCH....TIME TO MELT!!!
    thanks for linking in this week!


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