Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Gardening is Good Medicine

Is there anything more Cape Cod in a New England garden than Hydrangea shrubs? I've got a few of these Endless Summer varieties sprinkled here and there and this year I tucked in an Oak Leaf Hydrangea in the back of the Summer Garden for some added fall color interest. I love all Hydrangeas but I think they really steal the show when they're planted in rows or large groupings.

I have a place saved along the north side of our house for a  white hydrangea  ( Annabelle' ) border but it'll have to wait until fall when the sun has cooled it's jets a bit! 

In the meantime, the Tiger Lillie's are putting on a wonderful show!

As are the Shasta Daisies, Black Eyed Susan's, Oriental Lillies, Daylillies,

White Lillie's, Lavender, Russian Sage, Orange Cone flower, Bee Balm, Butterfly Bush, Moon Beam Yarrow and Strawberry Yarrow. 

The Bird and Butterfly Garden is in it's third year and doing great. I've yet to capture the hummingbirds lighting on the Bee Balm with my camera. They are just too fast for me but oh how they love this plant.

This is the time of year in the garden when my heart sings! It's the proof in the pudding that  all my hours of spring DAYDREAMING and planning was time well spent... BUT, we Gardner's know that don't we? 

In last years garden this vintage pedestal sink was a bird bath... This year I decided to have a little fun and fill it to the brim with flowers! Annuals, Snow in Summer and Sweet Potato Vine are some of my favorites for pots and window boxes...

sink garden

July is HOTso I think I'll just sit back with a tall glass of lemonade, enjoy the garden at it's peak and watch the veggies grow...

Time to rest up for fall planting and a few other garden surprises too! 

from my SUMMER READING bookshelf ~

If you're looking for a bit of inspiration for your gardening pursuits don't miss  Montrose ~ life in a garden by Nancy Goodwin and A GARDEN LOVER'S CAPE COD by C.L. FORNARI 

Enjoy the rest of YOUR gardening season~

"The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies." -- Gertrude Jekyll


  1. Beautiful! We are, with baited breath, waiting, anxiously begging my Hydrangeas to bloom, as they are needed for my daughters wedding in 2 weeks. If not, I'll just jet over and pick a few of yours, if I may. ;)

  2. Love the Hydrangeas. Beth has beautiful Hydrangeas on the east side of the house and has shared some blossoms. I also love to use them dried in the winter months.

    Your garden is coming along and looks good. July is such a great time to slow down and start to relax. I know I am. I want to savor the season and get to some fun things I *want* to do. No Earth School or Nest until September...although I *will* miss the children!

    happy day!

  3. I am totally amazed with your garden.. so much work you put into it!
    Let me say thank you for your visit to my blog and for following me!
    I will be back to see what else your up to...
    Enjoy your summer!

  4. You have a beautiful garden. I don't know how far north you live but it appears that plants that do well in Oregon do well in your area, as well. If, you have time to check out my blog, I wrote about my front yard today. Happy weed pulling!

  5. Beautiful flowers, especially the hydrangeas. Mine just haven't done well, not sure why. It's so nice to find a fellow MA gardener on here! That last picture of the garden from your patio looks so inviting. Good luck catching pics of those hummingbirds - keep trying, you'll get one! :)

  6. LOVED strolling through your pathways. Beautiful! Hey, how did my old bathroom sink end up in your yard?

    Hug Nicolette for me,


  7. Gorgeous garden. I just love the sink/planter. So cute!

  8. Hi Deborah Jean! I found you via Jan's Dandelion & Daisies blog! I'm glad to meet another local blogger who loves gardening as much (or more!) than I do! I live in Medway, beside Milford, or two towns north of Foxboro.

    Gorgeous blooms - the lilies, lysimachia,echinacea, etc.! I'm going to show your sink garden on my blog today and link back to you!


  9. Okay, I am officially in awe. What a beautiful garden you have in this July heat. I snuck out for a brief second to take a look at mine and it cried "Uncle!". Until this heatwave is over, I'll just imagine I'm sipping lemonade in yours. Blessings, Patty do get your soil such a gorgeous deep brown? I'm sure it's the secret to your beautiful flowers.

  10. Thank you all for stopping by my garden and leaving such sweet notes on my door! I'm so happy your all enjoyed your visit!
    True confessions: I photographed my garden the last week of June, just before the July heatwave...I'm so glad I did it then because it has really suffered and looks a bit frazzled today. That rich dark soil is a combination of our homemade compost with contributions from our " ladies" and top dressed with a shredded bark material called Cape Cod Black... We keep laying hens for eggs and to enrich our compost.

    Dandelion Wishes!

  11. This is the first time I've visited your blog and just love your flowers in your garden. I especially love the hydrangeas!

  12. Your garden sink is adorable!! Who would have ever thought of such a unique idea!! Your flowers look so beautiful and healthy! What a fun summer it looks like you are having!

  13. Oh, and thank you for visting my site!! I just took those items to my booth - wish me luck!

  14. What a lovely blog. I came over from Sue Loves Cherries after seeing her post on your cute vintage sink planter.


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