Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

15 Versatile Blog Awards

 continued.... Rule 3.

 The Versatile Blogger award asks each blogger who accepts this award to PASS the award to 15 new bloggers!

I've been busy discovering new blogs for you to visit and I think you'll enjoy them as much as I do.

*They may or may not choose to accept this award, but they are all deserving for publishing on a variety of topic's providing their readers with rich content and boundless creativity adding their own something special to the world we have all come to know and LOVE as BLOG LAND!

In keeping with the VERSATILE BLOGGER THEME I've chosen to share blogs with you from these categories:


Grab your favorite drink and spend a little time with each of these wonderful VERSATILE  bloggers!  You'll be glad you did!

Drum Roll Please!


Shery Jesperson of Reata Rose Ranch is much more than a versatile blogger. She's a cattle rancher, crafter, horse breeder, Gardner, collector and a writer to boot! Visit her blog for some old fashioned, rustic~ Victorian delights, and stunning photography from the RANCH. Oh, she plays some pretty cool tunes on her blog too! You'll love it! And when you're done saying your howdy's there you can stop over to see her at her " hired writing post " as the RANCH FARMGIRL BLOGGER for Mary Jane's Farm Magazine!

 Lisa B over at Sixteen Sassy Street is a friend of  Dandelion House and a kindred spirit when it comes to her passion for design and hand painted furniture. She's just getting started in blogging and already she has inspired me to look for a location for my hand painted furniture pieces (other than my basement) between Art Shows! She has a booth for her charming and refreshing creations which she features regularly on her blog.  I just know you'll enjoy meeting her ( she's a friendly southern gal ) and gathering up new decorating inspirations! Go say hi and tell her I sent you!

Michelle Rayburn of Trash to Treasure can turn just about any sort of trash cast-off she finds into a beautiful re-invented treasure for her home. Her blog is filled with a variety of projects ranging from a deck built from recycled wood to quaint decoupaged coasters on left over 4x4 stone tiles. Her UP cycling talents are wide reaching. I'm inspired each time I visit her blog and if you're a DUMPSTER DIVER  trash to treasure fan you will be too!

Cape Cod Rambling Rose  is the place to go for trips down quaint Cape Cod lanes to see  historical sites, find out about local events and when your feet get tired of taking in all the beautiful scenery the Cape has to offer, you can sit back and enjoy the beautiful themed hand made journals this talented blogger creates! Enjoy!


Marie Rayner over at The English Kitchen ( debunking English cooking one recipe at a time) offers her readers more recipes than you can shake a wooden spoon at!  Her blog is brimming with charm, originality, and luscious photography of her food creations! My mouth is watering just writing about it.  If your an Anglophile too you won't want to miss her blog! Don't forget to bring your appetite and a napkin!  

EAT LOCALLY~ I'm a fan of eating locally grown food as often as possible whether from my own garden or a local farmers market. Here in New England we have a variety of farmers markets to choose from during summer through early fall and a terrific resource that helps people find local farms to support. The magazine Edible South Shore is a printed publication which offers a website and a blog. Check it out if you're a fan of supporting local farming and more sustainable living in your town.


 I discovered Dee over at Red dirt Ramblings a few months ago and fell in love with her gardening philosophy instantly.... She's not shy about her love of color ( all colors are welcome in her gardens ) and she's great about getting to the nitty-gritty on things like good garden design, dirt, bugs and  roses. Yes, ROSES... She grows over 90 in her gardens...If that isn't enough to get you to click on over and say howdy to Dee I don't know what is...Oh, did I mention she writes too?

Sarah Jane Down the Lane blog spot is the next best thing to English Gardening Magazine and a trip to England in person! I fell in love with her blog instantly. England is high on my list of places to visit  bucket list and I feel  like I've traveled there every time I visit Sarah Jane. With out the jet lag!
  If you enjoy beautiful Flowers, charming commentary and historical gardens and architecture... Oh.. you've already clicked away have you? Have fun, and please tell Sarah I sent you!

*Both of these blogs are also faves of well known author, illustrator and lecturer Sharon Lovejoy and that's where I discovered them!

I discovered  Judith of Lavender Cottage  while perusing blogs about tea and antique tea cups. I love anything to do with the plant lavender so I had to stop by and see what it was all about. I so enjoyed Judiths'  beautiful photography of her gardens in bloom, her  romantic lavender and lace embroidery projects and lavender recipes too!  She writes and grows her garden from Lavender Cottage in Ontario, Canada. Go see her.. you know you want too!

I discovered Jamie Martins' blog SIMPLE HOMESCHOOL recently while looking for other bloggers who homeschool their children using the Oak Meadow curriculum. What I found was a treasure trove of homeschooling resources, well written articles and a new book to check out written by SIMPLE HOMESCHOOL editor, Jamie Martin herself...titled STEADYDAYS on professional, intentional, motherhood. I like it!  She also offers a weekly weekend SIMPLE HOMESCHOOL newsletter. Whether you are a new homeschooler or a professional, you'll appreciate this well put together blog.

Dana of is a homeschooling mom living in the country, growing an organic garden, and sharing her homeschooling/life experiences from an honest perspective. She includes, recipes, homeschooling curriculum materials and her perspective on family, faith and education. Her blog is just getting it's feet wet in a new blog spot so pop on over to Roscommon Acres and give Dana a friendly hello!

Mary Jane's farmgirl Bloggers:

You've met Shery, the Ranch farmgirl blogger, and now I'll introduce you to the other's. Rebekah the City farmgirl blogger, Libbie, the Rural farmgirl blogger, Cathi the Mountain farmgirl blogger, and Paula, the Suburban farmgirl blogger...

There's no better writing or story tellin' than these here blogs. They each post twice monthly and never fail to touch on something we all have experienced from time to time...Their words will warm your heart, make you laugh and cry, take you down memory lane and inspire you to follow your dreams wherever you are because that's what FARMGIRLS AT HEART do BEST !

Go see all 16 blogs for yourself and I'll see you soon with some musings from the BEACH and a recipe or two from An Honest COTTAGE Kitchen...

Dandelion Wishes,

Deborah Jean


  1. I am honoured that you would choose me for a blog award and I thank you.
    Unfortunately I don't have the time to do the follow up required for this and hope you understand.
    Wishing you sunny days of happy gardening.

  2. Deb, you are a DOLL!!! Thank you so much for the nice "Versatile Blogger" Award!! You just made my day :)

    I am very anxious to read about the other fellow bloggers whom you selected. They look like an interesting group of ladies. What fun & refreshing interests!

    Again, thank you for your kind and sweet words. Have a nice evening.

  3. DEborah Jean, thanks so much for the kind words you have had to say about The English Kitchen. You'll have to check out My Oak Cottage some day as well. I think you would enjoy. Thanks also for passing the award onto me. It means a lot to me that you would think I am worthy of it! Have a lovely day! xxoo

  4. I am hoping you can pop by my blog, Muddy Mama life in the studio and garden
    I am versatile,but also work at being focussed on my passions, motherhoood, organic gardening, being a potter and mediator.
    hope you can check it out!!


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