Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Chasing Fall on CAPE COD

It was our annual fall outing day with Grammy and
with the warm sparkling sun as our guide we set out to meet ART, see nature and find fall. In stead of of heading north to more well  traveled  crowded leaf- peeping spots in New England ( New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont)  we decided to stay close to our neck of the Cape Cod Bay and see what we could see! 

Our first stop was the Cape Cod Museum of Art. 

The grounds were beautiful and there were some notable sculptures outside but you know the drill with museums. No photos inside! You'll just have to visit the museum to see the beautiful art there! 

BUT... I can show you what we found washed ashore in the ladies room! Shh...

This mirror is anything but washed up! It is literally covered in 

nearly every kind of shell you can find here on Cape Cod. 

 Scallop shells, clams, mussels, moon shells and star fish just to name a few.

I love how the artist incorporated other discarded treasures ( jewelry, buttons, and dishes)  in her masterpiece! 

We traveled Scenic Rt. 6A in search of outdoor beauties and fall.
Ah yes! Fall was everywhere we looked! Tobey Farm was open for business so we popped in to pick up our mums for decorating and some homemade jam. 

Further down the road, farms, cottages and small shops gave way to more wide open spaces. That's where we found our good friend Mother Nature in all her fall glory!  Her red, gold and orange leaves were the perfect background for the tall feathery grasses that danced gently in the breeze against a classic cape cod blue sky. 

Really, I couldn't get enough of the grasses! 

Cape Cod is knows for it's artsy fart c ness! The quaint two lane roads are dotted with galleries, BnB's, farm stands and restaurants galore from Sandwich to the tip of  Province Town. 

We just had to stop at the Black Crow Gallery when we saw this sign. 

At this point the " teens" were pretty restless and pestering us beyond belief to GO HOME! 

We tortured them with one last stop here at the Crow Farm Stand as we promised take out pizza for dinner!

Thanks for chasing fall with us on Cape Cod with Grammy! 

bloomin' dunes and
Deborah Jean 


  1. Hi Sweetie, Thank you for sharing your lovely travels...
    Hugs to everyone!

  2. What an amazing day! Thank you for the little tour! I love the funky chicks sign...I need to make one!
    504 Main

  3. Very cool old cape cod!

  4. Oh! I so enjoyed that trip. Thank you! It's perfect for this autumn day (in the south it's mighty warm!)
    Your blog is lovely! And so uplifting!

  5. I feel like I got to gallivant with you!! Lovely, but hey, no aspersions about crowded Maine. Honestly, the state empties out after Columbus weekend. We just don't get the leaf peepers they get in Vermont, but then, Vermont is much more colorful.

    Love to you and Nicolette,


  6. Hi, I am the Grammy on tour,
    with Deborah, and we had a great
    day and took lot's of pictures
    of the color. Can't wait to do
    it next year.

    Grammy Joy


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