Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Friday, February 18, 2011

Time to Bloom

Guess whose back? Our very own Dandelion Fairy! Isn't he adorable? He can be a bit naughty at times ( like when the front yard becomes over taken with dandelions) but most of the time he's a lot of fun to have around. He's been known to inspire some good things around here too. Come to think of it, it was his idea for me to start this blog! 

( He lives right next to our entry way. He's hard to ignore the way he shows off his bright yellow blossoms, and even harder to get rid of...I gave up on that idea and now we're the best of friends ) 

Anyway, we were excited to see him again after such a long winter and he couldn't wait to tell us that 
 tiny green shoots of our Crocus bulbs have been spotted in the garden by the kitchen door! 

In celebration of his early return Dandelion Fairy thought it would be fun to share a refreshing sneak peak from our 2010 spring garden. I agree! I think a flower fix is in order! 


Blue Salvia, Geranium, Clematis 


Peonies, Rhododendron,Creeping Phlox, Tulips, and Clematis.


English Ivy, White Peonies, Endless Summer Hydrangea, and English Lavender .

Sweet Potato Vine and Snow in Summer grew in my

Sink Garden last year.

 I promise that is the last time I will use the (S) word ( snow) until next winter! 

 What sorts of BORN AGAIN containers do you plant flowers, herbs or veggies in? 
The possibilities are endless aren't they? Think, galvanized buckets, aged lobster pots, coffee cans, tea pots and wire baskets.  An old chair with plantings in the seat makes a wonderful, whimsical planter on a porch or as a fun garden element in a country style garden.

What fun would gardening be without a little help from our Fairy friends?
New printed copy.

* The illustration at the top of this post is the Dandelion Fairy from the book Flower Fairies of the Spring.  Look for the other Flower Fairy books for Autumn, Winter and Summer and additional books by  Author/ Illustrator Cicely Mary Barker. Date 1923- 1990
 These books are reasonably priced if you are looking to purchase new copies. Vintage copies dating back to the 1930's will bring 100.00-155.00 per copy in good condition. You have a real treasure if you already have a vintage copy of your own. 

Happy Gardening and for the first time this year, 
Dandelion Wishes! 
Deborah Jean

I'm linking with Tootsie Time for her weekly Fertilizer Friday!  It's where we bloggers get to flaunt our flowers! FUN! 


  1. your flower photos are absolutely wonderful! I love the phrase up top that says no winter lasts forever....
    as for that dandelion fairy...he seems to have been very busy in the neighborhood last spring here....I was busy undoing all that was getting spread into my gardens! hahaha
    thanks for linking in. I have enjoyed my visit to your fantastic blog...and since I follow you I will be sure to come back as soon as I get a few minutes!

  2. Lovely. Dandelions are the first flowers my children picked for me so they are very special. My girls have a little set of sweet, seasonal Flower Fairy books that they have enjoyed through the years. Something about those fairies really stir the imagination. <3

  3. Love all the flowers you have. Love you blog, it is beautiful. Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  4. Sooo loverly! We still have lots of snow and ice that needs to melt! ;o)
    But underneath it thinks there are some flowers (even dandelions) that are wanting to show there pretty faces!
    Blessing, Mumsie

  5. What a fun post! Your crocus flowers are so lovely. And your last year garden flowers are amazing.
    Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind comment.
    Have a nice weekend!

  6. I love dandlions. They have a glowing yellow flower that pollinators like and the leaves are tasty in a salad. Why is it that everyone considers them a weed?
    I have several flower fairy books and small statues of them for the garden by Cicely Mary Barker.

  7. I love your ideas and the photos. I can't wait for spring!


  8. Spring fever is upon me now for sure...after seeing these gorgeous flowers and the warm weather we have had for the last two days. It's hard to believe all the beauty that will soon erupt when we are still buried with white. I can't wait!

    We LOVE the Cicely Mary Barker fairy books!

    happy day!

  9. Love the "garden glimpses." I really, really need all of that color and freshness during a northern February!

    I was looking at my first garden catalog of the season today. I discovered an Heirloom Black Radish that I want to try, and a beautiful little "silver lace" primrose that would be very nice tucked into the gardens of my little rental cottage!

    Thank you for sharing all that color!

  10. Dandelion Fairy was right! I think we all needed a flower fix! I know I did. So glad you could all come by and enjoy it with me!


  11. Debs, you made my day…thanks for the beautiful photos.
    Aunt Retts!

  12. your crocus look amazing! and so does the dandelion. It seems like spring is coming to you

  13. Your flowers are so happy and pretty! AND I love the Flower Fairies too! The dandelion fairy hasn't been seen around here since I removed all the lawn :(
    Enjoy the weekend!

  14. I love the fairies and your flowers...what can I say...just fabulous...I can't wait to see more..


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