Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Organize your Pantry~ Farm Style

I try to spend some time each week getting to know my followers and friends better. I know I will always find a new idea and when I do I like to share.

This week,  I was inspired by Caroline's ( of  Boho Farm and Home )  Farm Pantry Make Over! 

She's a clever girl! Using glass jars for storage and chalkboard paint as her labels she gussied up her pantry farm style. I had been thinking along these lines myself and I just needed a visual to get me going! I don't have an open pantry shelf but this idea would translate well in a closed cabinet situation too.

Go visit her blog for more great photos and details. I think you'll be inspired too!

 I'm off to Target for glass storage containers and chalkboard paint!

Thanks for the inspiration Caroline!

Happy organizing everyone!
Deborah Jean


  1. Thanks for the feature Deb! Hope this helps and encourages others in being the keepers of their home. xo,Caroline

  2. I'd like to gussie up my sturdy pantry...chalkboard paint? I'll have to look into this...I love the glass storage containers..I have some mason jars I have used..will look into the chalkboard paint....thank you for sharing what you have found....I'll pop over and visit there too..

  3. LOVE THAT…the pantry in our new home has the pantry door taken off, think I will leave it that way and use some of the suggestions in your blog. I like the open concept without the door. The door also opens out into the small kitchen area so will have more space available. Love you

    Aunt Retts

  4. I loved this one...perfect timing now that I'm putting the kitchen back together. Final touches are scheduled for Monday!

  5. Thanks for stopping over my place..the crochet items you have ARE a treasure...and will become magnificent heirlooms filled with love and senitmental musings...I will check out the places you suggested workbasket.etc....looking forward to your block about the chalk paint and the pantry....

  6. I wish I had more cabnits or even wall space to do this! I have always wanted to...but with a tenny tiny kitchen, not so good.
    Have fun organizing yours!

  7. I save sturdy glass jars from foodstuff and use them. sometimes I paint the covers. A friend also gave me some old mason jars with the glass lids..I love those.

    I need to reorganize my pantry. So many bulk items get piled on the floor and then I cannot see the red checked floor that I painted..that I love!

    And some of my shelves are too far apart that I need some organizers to utilize the space between them.

    happy day!


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