Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one”

You might be wondering if this blog has gone to seed with all this farmgirl talk lately!? In fact, it's quite the opposite! It's GREAT FUN and so very INSPIRING to meet and greet fellow farm friends and farmgirls in blog land isn't it? But  there's something to be said for  real life " farmgirl connections " too! Oh now, don't go gettin' your feathers ruffled dear bloggin' friends.You know what I mean!

Do you have a flock of farmgirl friends to call your own? The kind of friends who " get " why you LOVE the things you do SO MUCH!
 I'm certain you do... But, just in case you find yourself  in a new town, city or neighborhood yearning to make some new friends or expand your circle of old ones, I'll let you in on a fun way to gather a flock of your own.

Women have been gathering together since the beginning of time for Quilting bee's, sewing circles, book clubs, Garden clubs, knitting groups, crafting parties, food co-ops, investment groups, mommy and me, homeschooling groups, church groups, Red Hat club, Tea Parties, etc. Homesteading groups are on the rise, sprouting up in urban/rural communities everywhere. What we are really doing is planting the seeds of friendship in hopes they'll take root!

 Depending on your interests and phase of  life any of these groups might fit your " friendship needs" at the time. Gathering farmgirl friends is just another excuse  reason to get together with kindred spirits and have fun while you support each other in learning new things and share the tried and true. Besides, who else are you going to talk sour dough starter, baby goats, chicken runs, homemade perfume and yogurt with?

 All you need to do is make a list of your most fun lovin' girlfriends and invite them over for a " catch the farmgirl fever" gathering. If you have a new neighbor or know of someone new to your area include them and ask your guests to invite friends too. I recently held a gathering to introduce my friends and family to all things MaryJanesFarm. Here's how it went! I sent out an email invite well in advance to get my pals all fired up. On party day, I decked out the dining room with MJF books, magazines, sisterhood info, a copy of the monthly cluck ( you get one every month with your annual sisterhood membership) and yummy organic snacks. Everyone brought something to share!

Find out more about why chapters are called the Farmgirl Sisterhood in Mary Jane's book and  here. 
*If you're a member of the Sisterhood you are eligible for earning Merit badges and can earn one for hosting this type of  gathering!

                                                      A basket of Mary Jane goodness!

Yummy treats!

                                                " The GIRL'S getting to know each other "
I put together" farmgirl "goodie bags for each girl as my way of saying thanks for coming!

I filled them with Garden themed note cards, a journal, coupon holder, chapter member info and an extra dose of farmgirl spirit... Just enough to hold them over until our next gathering...

Did you know you can start a farmgirl Chapter of your very own or join one in your area? Go here to learn more.

I'll see you ONLINE  Friday for THE NEXT Farmgirl/ Farm Friend Friendzy!

Until then, here's to FRIENDSHIP!

I'm going to dosado on the Homestead Barn Hop #7   and Farmgirl Friday of course! 


  1. A great reason to come together. A blogger friend in the States sent me one of the MaryJanesFarm magazines. Love it! Can't get anything like that over here, that's for sure. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  2. I have my MaryJaneFarm magazines stacked in my dining room area where they can be shared by my friends when they come for a visit. But I cannot part with any of them, I just cannot.

  3. Proud to be a MaryJaneFarm follower! Been considering starting a chapter or joining one. Great post on farmgirl friendships!

  4. This is why I started blogging to meet farm girls or country girls from around the world and it has been great. I have made a lot of wonderful friends in blog land. I love reading all the blogs that I follow and am always looking to read more and to share and share alike all our goings on in the land of blog. Wonderful post. Have a great day.

  5. Friendship is one of God's great gifts to us. I have friends, but not many who share my love of farm and country life. I have so enjoyed meeting others in blogland who share my interests. So many wonderful families scattered across the world. God Bless.

  6. I can feel everyone's excitement! Wonderful idea! Nothing like sharing with like minded ladies! We can validate each other and it really means a lot. Like happy momma said, friendship is definitely one of God's greatest gifts. LOVE! Thanks for sharing all your inspiration!

  7. It's so true ladies about how fun it is to share our interests with kindred spirits in blog land! I too feel blessed by these " connections " from around the world. Makes you realize we are all so similar yet so completely different too!

  8. I miss my MJ farmgirl chapter in OR. A chapter here has tried on a various occations, by various gals to get started, just hasn't happened. I guess I have to just keep coming here to get my fix. :)

  9. There are no chapters up where I live ( north central Ontario) I have checked. When I was young it use to be the Woman's Institute, 4-H and Junior Farmers for young women to feel connected to farm women. 4H has changed and the age is limited. Women's Institute is a sea of older ladies that purely gossip ( my experience). Most mom's work off the farm as well as on, and we tend to keep more to ourselves. I love MJF magazines because I do feel connected. The Farmgirl Connection is great when one has the time to scan through it all.I am glad you are doing this blog-a-long to connect as together.

  10. Blogging allows me to find those kindred spirits who love farms as I do. You have a wonderful blog. I followed you and I would like to extend an invitation to you to visit Everyday Ruralty ( If you drop by, don't forget to say hello! Have a super weekend.

  11. Your gathering sounds like a lot of fun and a great way to connect.

  12. That sounds like such a good time! What a fun way to get to know people.

  13. What a wonderful blog! I've signed up already!

    There isn't much in the way of farm girls in my area so I never wouldn't have made it through this past winter of hand raising my wee goatie in my townhouse if it weren't for my Goat Sisters, my blogging friends. They were such a comfort when I was scared and such a joy as they cheered me on.

    Lovin' your blog and hope to make many farm girl connections! It's SO wonderful when someone "gets" you!

    Have a lovely and creative Spring day!

  14. This sounds like a really nice idea! I love making connections with's so much fun when we find things we have in common!

  15. What a lovely picture of farm girls! I treasure my girl friends, whether they love to farm or not. It is their help, support, encouragement that gets me week to week.

  16. Wonderful post! You get me! ;-) I've been saying I'd host just such a gathering for tooo long! Love your blog and will be back between chores whenever I can! Thanks for all you share!


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