Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer Rose

I know summer isn't quite here yet, but the summer roses are!

They beckon us outside to get a closer look and take in their sweet rosy scent!

 I do know one place where it's summer year round! Cynthia of Cynthia's Cottage Design Blog has captured the essence of sweet Summer living and romance inside her miniature house she calls Summer Rose.

I was thrilled when she wrote me last week to ask if she could include a few photos of our cottage kitchen in one of her posts. When I popped by to read it I was so amazed at the talent she has with creating miniature's that I'm sharing her blog with you today. She knows how to DREAM BIG in her miniature designs. Cynthia has created every charming little thing, by hand from furniture to food!

Go here to read all about her inspiration for Summer Rose in her own words! You'll be lavished in the prettiest of summer comfort's and yummy treats, hand made with love by Cynthia.

Enjoy and keep thinking summer! She's on the way!


  1. Lovely photos ! I love the white hutch ! Have a great day !

  2. Hi Deborah!

    Thank you so much for including me in your post, I am so honored! Your summer roses are so beautiful, as is your writing and photographs too! I'm always amazed at how many bloggers are such an inspiration to me , and you are certainly at the top of the list! My Summer Rose cottage is of the imagination and yours is the real thing and you're living in it, that is a blessing for sure! You honor that simple sweet lifestyle that relishes in the small details and certainly teaches and helps your readers find joy in that! So thank you for including me :)

    Have a wonderful time at the cottage this week! I'm working on some miniatures and planting my herb and veggy garden this week in the real cottage, and getting ready for a creative and relaxing summer! Enjoy yours! :)

    Love and Thanks again! Hugs, Cynthia

  3. Hi Deborah..great minds think alike...I posted about my 'Ol Vintage Rose.....they are lovely...
    yours are gorgeous and bet they smell wonderful.

  4. Those are gorgeous roses! I never tire of them. Something so strong yet delicate about those wild roses. So pleased to see such pretty photos! Thank you for sharing!

  5. You are such a good photographer. I love the rose photos with the old wood and ropes. Nothing better than old fashioned roses. Thanks for sharing. I will check Dream Big out.

  6. I love blooming rosehips. They signify summer here in Scandinavia, as they often grow alongside our sandy beaches.
    I have a field of rosehips lining our backyard and they are about all to burst into bloom, creating a sea of magenta.
    Lovely photography and congratulations on having your images being featured.
    Have a lovely rest of the week dear Deborah,

  7. The roses look beautiful. I absolutely love the picture with the rope. Mine is just starting to get buds on it--I don't know how the poor thing survives the way the goats have eaten it.

  8. Is there no more blog hop? Can't find the info for today.


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