Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Farmgirl Friday blog hop # 17

 Dear Friends,
Welcome to week 17 of theFarmgirl Friday blog hop! And what a week its' been. I think I have most of the bugs worked out after losing my domain name. All you need to do is update your blog list with the new address and if you have my blog button you can grab the new one with the correct code from my side bar. 

 If you are a feed blitz subscriber you might not be getting post updates in your inbox due to my original domain feed not linking to my blog any longer. Please be patient with me... I will be emailing each of you personally with the new blog address! In the meantime you can subscribe by email again by using the link on my sidebar or click that follow button today for fresh updates. 
Now, on with some good old fashioned farmgirl  soulfood! 

This week I had the pleasure of visiting with my blog friend Melissa of Tilly's Nest ( in person ) I went to her house to meet Tilly and the " girls "  and check out their cool coop made by 
Green Chicken Coop from reclaimed materials. 

We've come a long way baby when it comes to keeping chickens. Melissa's coop is so pretty she's tucked it into her side yard along the driveway approaching the front of her home!  It looks so natural there and fits right in with her cottage garden theme.  This little coop and run houses 8 chickens and Tilly rules the roost! 

The inseparable Buff Orpingtons  poked their heads out of the nesting boxes for a short hello. 

  Tending her flock is simple with this easy access door and nesting boxes on the rear of the coop. I was very impressed with the look and function of her coop and I think her " girls" like it too! 

I also got a tour of her pretty Cottage Garden. It's always fun to see a fellow Gardner's yard. It was inspiring  to see many of the plants that I have at home, planted in a different way. Melissa has a slope in her back yard which can be a challenge but she and her husband have created a private outdoor sitting area out of reclaimed stone in their backyard as the focal point.  

The patio is surrounded by lush, colorful cottage garden favorites like, Hydrangea, Butterfly Bush and Day- lillies.

This grouping of Endless Summer Hydrangia and ornamental  grasses let's you know you are visiting a classic Cape Cod garden.

 Quaint garden elements like this cobalt blue bird bath look refreshing on a hot day and the Shasta Daisies seem to be waving the birds in for a quick dip. 

 Cone Flower and Day Lilly brighten a narrow border and keep a climber company too!

What do you say, we have a seat in Melissa's garden then link up for our weekly dose of farmgirl soulfood? 

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop:

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, hen house, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave a permalink in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post.

 Welcome new subscribers and friends! Thanks for all you share!  Keep that farmgirl soul-food comin'!

Don't for get to leave a note on the Garden Gate on your way out and be sure to stop by my MaryJanesFarm BEACH blog to read my latest post: A Children's Garden Growing Community.

I'm linking to Fertilizer Friday today!

Dandelion Wishes,
Deborah Jean 


  1. Thanks for sharing your tour of Melissa's Cottage Garden, it is just lovely!

    Also, thanks to TASO for explaining how to find you on her blog! :)

  2. Yay! You're back! Hope you do something nice for yourself to unwind and reward yourself for getting through all this trouble!

    What a beautiful tour you were given. Wonderful inspiration seeing another's garden! Sigh...

  3. It's good to be back! Thanks!
    glad you both enjoyed Melissa's Garden!

  4. I love the outdoor sitting area...that furniture is gorgeous too!
    I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I am always excited to tour each post and see the different flowers/ projects and garden art that everyone flaunts. It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I hope you will link in again soon!
    ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•.


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