Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Morning Glories

September weather is my favorite of all seasons! There's something about the clear skies and mild temps that get me feeling my happiest of all months of the year. We are just weeks away from falling leaves and shorter days which makes these last bloomers of September all the more special. I snapped these shots while at our cottage this weekend. Our neighbors plant them around the fence that surrounds their veggie garden every year. Check out this years blooms!

Here's a shot of this charming garden from a distance. Keep looking, it gets better!

 They look so elegant climbing the fence around the compost pile. ( see the squash in the bottom left of the photo ?)

I didn't photo shop these at all... Just look at that glowing bright,  white center! 

I'll be adding these images to our Cottage Collection of Dandelion House Original Note Cards! 

 Be sure and take time to savor what's left of sweet September! 
I'll be back soon with images for our Fall note card collection and a few early fall fix-ups from our house to yours!


  1. Very pretty flowers, they will look great on the note cards!

  2. Gorgeous creatures, those morning glories! They are on my list for next year and I just happen to have a package of seed in my stash. I just went through my seed collections and am planning for the future..
    It's nice to see something blooming into fall.

  3. Oh my! Now those are GLORIOUS! I need to get out and get my camera going early in the morning again very soon too!


Seeds to share? Scatter here...