Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, October 24, 2011

Hen House Party YOU'RE INVITED

Howdy Dandelion House Friends! Mother hen has been busy gussying up the Little Red Hen House for Fall. We love it when she comes out to our place and putters around!We chat and cluck and before you know it we've come up with a fun idea or two to share with you, like the time we talked her into decorating the inside of our Hen House. This time we got to thinking it would be great fun to have an old fashioned virtual " Hen Party"! That's right!
All Chicken Keepers ( and wanna- be's too ) are invited to participate in the

Party day is Tuesday, November 1st!
 This is a tell all Hen Party party!

" Party Guidelines "
These guidelines are just to get your story tellin' juices going; tell all you want to about your Chicken Keeping adventures! If you've been dreamin' of keeping chickens share your ideas for your future coop and the kinds of hens you wish to keep! 

1.Write a story about how you got started keeping chicken's.

                                  2. Introduce us to all of your " girls " and tell us what breed they are and why you like them.

                              3.Do you have a favorite chicken in your flock? How many do you keep? Who rules the roost?  Have you inspired others to keep chicken's?

                           4.Show us lots and lots of pictures of your Hen House, ( and girls ) inside and out ( through all seasons ) and tell us how it was made or where you bought it.

5.We also want to know if you spoil your " girls " and how!

                                 6.We'll get hungry on the hop, so bring your favorite egg dish and share the recipe if you like. 

Grab the HEN HOP BUTTON, add it to your side bar then link it to this post!
 Write a brief post between now and party day and invite your  blogging, face book and twitter friends too!

It's going to be great fun!  We can't wait to see all of your Hen House Designs and meet your " girls "!

Meet back here on Tuesday November 1st for the first annal
Hen House Hop!
See you then!
cluck cluck cluck...

I'm headed over to Amy's Barn Hop to share the invitation!


  1. Nice photos of the girls lol See ya then .Later gater !

  2. Fun idea! My boys I know will love to share their girls.

  3. I am really looking forward to reading these links. Great Blog Hop Deb!

  4. What a great idea! Sounds like a lot of fun! I'll be back with my Hen House story on Nov. 1!

  5. How fun! I'll see what I can scrounge up for pictures!

  6. How funny Debbie -- I ended up finding this blog thru the Barn Hop, then I realized that it was YOU: the beach farmgirl blogger! I had recently left a comment about our rooster; btw, he got a reprieve, LOL. I'm actually getting braver around him. If I join your hen house hop, I'd have to start a blog by Nov. I up to the challenge?

  7. Hi Nicki!
    I remember your comment... So, you still have him? I'm happy to hear he's behaving better for you! Yes, start your blog and let your first post be about keeping chickens!!!
    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a note!


  8. Great idea! I love sharing about my gals!

  9. There is a crazy party, but I love it. All of the theme parties I have ever been to were awesome and super fun. I´m a wanna-be since I currently do not have any chickens living with me. I am staying in a hotel in buenos aires that has a little farm at the back and they raise animals. Does that count?


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