Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Farmgirl Friday # 32 and Green Eggs !

Just the other day it occurred to me that it's just about time for our  Americana chickens to start laying eggs!

They are five months old now and should start laying any time. Today when I went out to collect the eggs I scooped up one brown egg from under Miss Liza. No doubt from Lacy Lou our oldest Wyandotte. I went back to the coop a bit later to deliver some kitchen scraps and checked the nesting boxes again, this time I discovered the first green egg  which I believe is from our newest batch of girls.


Guess who was in the coop, watching closely as I removed it? I'm not for certain it was Liza who had  surprised me with this beautiful green egg, but I told her thank you and patted her on the back just in case!

The three larger white eggs in the bowl are  Khaki Cambell's  duck eggs. A friend of ours has a small flock of them and lucky me she likes to share! She also told me that French bakeries use mostly duck eggs because they provide more lift to their baked goods. Who knew?
 I tried it out on some homemade choc chip cookies and they definitly had more lift! They were also quite yummy which is why there is no mouth watering photo


What's new in your " farmgirl " world? How about a little show and tell?

Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop!

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!

Thanks for all you share my fellow farmgirl friends... Great entries last week! As always!



  1. I had some Americana chickens a few years back, I got blue and green eggs. About 20 years ago I know a couple that had some of the rare hens that lay pink and yellow eggs too. they were very pretty.

  2. We have 2 Americanas right now, but they're molting. I miss seeing those beautiful green eggs!

  3. So the green eggs... can you serve them HAM?

    that is so fun. I'm glad we're finally getting eggs at all!


  4. My Americaunas are finally laying, I love seeing those eggs in the laying boxes!

    I use duck eggs in baking, they are wonderful and make a difference in everything that I bake. Try the duck eggs in brownies, the difference is amazing! When I make a pound cake, I use both duck eggs and chicken eggs. I have even used duck eggs in my dinner rolls with very pleasing results.

  5. Cute chickies and pretty eggs :)I have been wanting to get this kind of chicken for awhile now and these pictures seal the deal!

  6. Cute chickens . Nice batch of eggs ya got there. I remember the days on our hobby farm as a kid collecting eggs , we had Bantys and Rode Island Reds I had a pet Banty named Charlotte. I have heard about the duck eggs being used in bakeries they seem to work better for some pasteries then chickens eggs. Have a wonderful evening.

  7. So nice to have your new hens laying. I'm still waiting for my girls. I doubt they start laying before spring. I love the duck eggs for baking! You are lucky to have them.

  8. I am excited about your first green egg. A million years ago, when we had hens, we had several green egg layers. It seems to me their yolks were also bigger and brighter than the others. Interesting tidbit about the duck eggs. I didn't know that they improve lift in baked goods. Thanks for sharing another great tip. I love your pictures Deb. Have a great week ahead.

  9. We LOVE our green eggs! It's so pretty having a mixture of white, dark brown, light brown, and green. Your flock is beautiful!

  10. Love the green eggs, our ducks should be laying this winter!
    I linked up with our drying rack giveaway.

    Happy Fall,
    Abby Jo

  11. Our Americaunas lay blue eggs. We only have 2 so it is so fun to find those amongst the brown ones. LOVE your chickens! They look so happy :)

  12. I absolutely love the picture of all your chickie girls lined up at the fence!!:) They are so beautiful!

  13. Your girls are so pretty...I am looking forward to adding more birds to our yard come spring.

    Another thing about duck eggs...quiche...OMGosh it is a whole new level of amazing with duck eggs.

  14. We get lots of green eggs! For awhile we were getting all different colors and because we allow them to free range all day they were laying all over the place. Everyday was like a litte Easter egg hunt!!! My favorite was when they were laying in a planter right by my front door. I like to think of it as front door delivery!! Now, if I can just train them to lay in cartons. I'll letcha know how that's working out. ;)


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