Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

For the Chicken Who Has Everything

Get our your knitting needles! Is this the most adorable thing you've ever seen? A friend shared this image with me on face book today and I just had to post it for you too! It's from Shelburne Farm located in Vermont! I confess, I don't knit and there was no pattern included with this fun face book wall post. But, something tells me my knitting friends could probably figure it out... Just a little tailoring trip to the Chicken Coop for measuring and you'll be ready to go!

Have a happy urban, suburban, city, mountain, rural, backyard, beachy FARM day friends!


  1. Oh how cute lol ! My mum always said she should knit little woolen socks for the chickens and birdies lol Great photo ! Have a wonderful day !

  2. This is hilarious! Thanks for sharing it dear DJ.

    I love Shelburne Farm in Vermont. I had an assignment with them and spent a couple of days interviewing staff and doing drawings of the gardens and historic buildings. It is glorious there. It is where a little boy who was watching them milk a cow turned to me and said, "Is THAT where milk comes from?"

    Love to you,


  3. Oh, this is too cute!! She looks so motherly! Like something from Beatrix Potter.

  4. Oh my gosh, that is just too, too cute!! :)

  5. That is so cute, right now my girls could use some. It's only 28 out there. I'm disappointment you weren't given the pattern. That you for sharing :)

  6. Wow. I almost fell out of my chair laughing, she's too cute. What a great way to coax a smile out of a me this cold morning. Thanks Deb.

  7. Too funny, and too cute.

    I actually know a few chickens that would be happy to have a winter shawl :)

    Thanks for sharing.
    p.s. I need to send this to my hubby...gee won't he be surprised when he finds out what our next project will be! LOL

  8. How cute and such a great idea! I think my chickens would think I was nuts if I did that though... it just doesn't get cold enough here!

  9. Oh. My. Goodness. I can't say I've ever seen that before! :)

  10. The best part is how she looks so smug and satisfied with herself. I can just hear her saying "Oh, this old thing?" Hilarious, thnak you

  11. That's hysterical! I hope it doesn't get turned upside down and sideways when she tries to lay. That could redefine the phrase "egg bound"!

  12. This reminds me of my friend Sue. We starting a crafting club called The Crappy Crafters. Wine is involved. We were making lists of things we could make and "chicken apron" was on her list. We thought she meant aprons for us to wear with chickens on them...But, no....It was aprons for the chickens to wear, much like the chicken sweater.
    She brings her chickens in the house when they don't feel well. Makes a pallet on the floor, and lets them watch tv!

    Me? When I see the chicken sweater, I see a cute, knitted item that has chicken poo all over it! :)


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