Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A Homemade Christmas

I think I love the first few days after Christmas even more than the days leading up to it. It feels good to have the hustle bustle behind me, to slow down and savoir quiet moments here at home with my family.  I'm still enjoying the tree, and all our holiday decorations too.

Soon enough it will be time to put it all away and move on with a New Year. 
As always, I have BIG PLANS a brewin' but I'm not ready to hatch them just yet. I'm still relishing our cozy nest and this welcomed breather. 

                       Here are some of the highlights of our homemade Christmas this year!

Our daughter crocheted two scarves for her grandmother's and a pretty little coin purse for me with a fancy sparkly button. 

Our son created homemade cards (with sweet sentiments written inside each one )  made with wall-paper samples destined for the trash before Boz scooped them up knowing they would make for some thrifty and elegant wrapping paper! 

We had a vintage photo of my husbands father's family homestead from 1924 retouched and enlarged for family members and one for ourselves too. 

 I gave a few bundles of Dandelion House note cards as gifts too!

 The best gifts are those made with human hands straight from the heart. Having the time to relax and enjoy them is even better! Here's hoping you are catching your breath from a busy holiday season and finding time to enjoy each other and the comforts of home.

Max is diggin' the down time too! 


  1. I totally agree with you, personal home made, or heart crafted gifts are the very best! They are the ones that will likely be cherished for many years to come! Happy coming New Year!

  2. Papa, myself and Miggy are enjoying the down time as well ! It gets busy at Christmas time ! Wonderful photos ! Have a great day !

  3. I do share your thought about after Christmas. I am still enjoying my tree and the rest of the decorations in the house. There is a quiet and a calm that I, too, am enjoying. Here's wishing you a Happy New Year.

  4. A handmade, homemade Christmas is definitely the best kind. Sounds like everyone made wonderful heartmade gifts. That little Max is precious! Happy holidays and blessings for the new year. Tammy

  5. I agree. Homemade gifts are my favorite to give and receive. I like the family homestead photo idea. That would have been so meaningful for everyone. It must have been a proud moment for you too Deb, to see the handmade scarves and coin purse your daughter made and the handmade cards your son made. It's so nice to see young ones sharing their skills and energy making something so special for someone they love.

  6. What a lovely homemade Christmas! I love the vintage farm photo, what a great gift idea!

  7. Oh wow!
    we did a fancy homemade Christmas too.
    Don't you just love it?

    I'm so glad I read your post... I've got the perfect idea for gifts next Christmas... I have the only aerial shot of The Husbands family homestead in Arkansas...his family would love this as a gift! thanks for the idea!

    ...Have a great start to a Wonderful New Year Debbie!


  8. I enjoyed a peek into your lovely homespun Christmas, love the farm picture idea!
    Have a blessed New Year!


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