Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Scenes with Boz

" Docked "

A Saturday Scene for your enjoyment~ with Boz 

Happy Saturday Dandelion House friends!

Old man winter finally blew in to New England yesterday after a very mild winter so far. Last night we had high winds and below freezing temperatures. Sure makes boating season feel like a long time off!
Deb's got a Saturday Stew brewin' in the crock pot today! Yum!



  1. Nice photo ! Yup old man winter is here to ! Have a warm and wonderful day !

  2. This is such an interesting shot! I love the textures. We've had a healthy dose of winter this past week.

  3. Great textures in the ropes and the snow makes it look chilly. Enjoy your stew and stay warm!


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