Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Scenes with Boz

" On The Rocks " 

A Saturday Scene for your enjoyment
~ with Boz.

Happy Saturday Friends! I went out for my first beach walk since December and found some treasure to share with all of you. I know many of you have your heads in your home and Garden plans this time of year. We do too! But, don't forget how refreshing a walk in nature can be. The rivers, mountains, country lanes, and the BEACH call to us all! 


  1. nvicm IditingWhat a PERFECT pic!
    I really do love a beach walk!

  2. Hey, I was wondering where the heck I left my little pink shovel!! ;-)
    Great picture Boz!

  3. One of my other passions is anything that has to do with ROCKS, STONES, BEACHES! I am finishing my rock garden in the front yard this year. I have two main areas and I am constructing a dry river bed that flows from one to the other and 'trickles' down to the road...We got about five inches of snow yesterday! Enough to keep a gal humble...

  4. Ohhhh, the beach. How lovely, although it must have been chilly! :) Yes, I've been very busy reading and planning, I have so many ideas rolling around, can't wait to try some out! However, in just a short while I'll be heading out for my walk in the sunshine. :)

  5. What beautiful beach stones you have! I can hear the noise of footsteps on them and the waves caressing them... Beautiful photo!


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