Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Busy Bee

Crocus from my kitchen door garden
Welcome friends and HAPPY SPRING! Spring seems to have arrived early this year in many parts of the US. I know many of you are getting an early start with seed planting and garden prep too! It's so refreshing to be able to smell the earth warming and see all the plants and shrubs starting to bud already. I think last year around this time we still had frozen snow on the ground.

 It's bright, sunny and warm today. I hardly know what to do first! The Robins are calling me outside, the dryer is whirling with clothes that need folding, my floor needs mopping and my head is full of ideas for my backyard flower farm. What's a girl to do? Make a list or wing it? I think a list is in order!

Here's my April chores list for our backyard farmyard.
  1. Clean Hen House ~ add new shavings and clean the window so the girls can see out! 
  2. Buy lumber for 16 4x6x8 inch raised beds and build! I've decided to go with treated lumber for the flower garden. Herbs and veggies will go in the ground or into Cedar raised beds.
  3. Order soil for raised beds
  4. Chip wood and tree trimmings
  5. Order mulch for established gardens
  6. Start seeds 
  7. Order Dahlia's and other spring flowering bulbs
  8. Clean and organize shed  
  9. Get proper garden shoes
  10. Dust off my garden hat 
     Spring brings more than just good weather... It brings feelings of hope and a sense of renewal!
    I'm ready to dive into Spring (head first)  just like that bee! How about you?


    1. You bet. I am so ready to get into Spring. I have been ready since February. Itching to get outside, itching to get plants in the ground, itching for warmer temps and some sunshine.

      @ 3Beeze Hometead

    2. This year I was anxious for spring too! Much to do, but that's okay. I love the smell of the earth too! Love the picture of the bee!! They have been hard at work here!

    3. You look as though you will be busy! It seems like this time of the year it just doesn't stop but its so much fun!

    4. Snooks~ itching... perfect word for it!

      Melanie, glad to hear the bees are busy in your neck of the woods too!

      Clint, Yes, it's a ton of fun isn't it?

    5. Deb,
      What a pretty picture. The colors are wonderful. Such an exciting time if year. I painted watering cans a few days ago, they look so pretty on the front porch.
      Having a giveaway on my site if you want to check it out.
      Nancy Jo

    6. Lovely pictures of the crocus flowers, they are just so cheerful! :)

    7. Oh I want to come over to your house! I love your list....and to think I have to be on the road...instead of in my garden. Trying to not be jealous my friend! Have a lovely day!

    8. Spring is an amazing season! I love your crocuses! And I love how much you have to do in your garden! Busy bee indeed! Happy World Water Day - I have a stunning video on my blog to mark the day and if you are curious to see our beach, you are more than welcome!

    9. Hi Deb,
      Just wanted to let you know I ordered some products from Mountain rose herbs. Can't wait until I get them. Thanks for showing them on your blog.
      Nancy Jo


    Seeds to share? Scatter here...