Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Home Grown Bloomers

White Peony ( possibly a Casablanca ) with Catmint, Daisy, and Yarrow

 Dear friends,
How can it be that May is nearly over? The month just flew by! While I was focused on getting the cutting garden started my established gardens have suddenly exploded with fresh blooms! What could be more uplifting than adorning your kitchen table, nightstand, bathroom, and guest rooms with fresh cut flowers straight from your garden! Today I'm sharing some homegrown bouquet's  we've been enjoying at Dandelion House and the cottage! 

White Peonies
Have you ever noticed how a homegrown ( in- season ) bouquet differs from those purchased from a floral shop or supermarket floral center? For one thing they smell wonderful and present a natural beauty unlike the packaged bundles that come from far away shores. It's true, our homegrown beauties often don't last quite a long in the vase but its' a perfect excuse to just go out and cut what's blooming next!

Yellow Yarrow in Red Bucket

 I cut this yarrow just as it was starting to turn yellow. I love the contrast between the red of the bucket and the yellow flowers don't you ? 
Vases can be anything you like that will anchor your plant and allow it to show off the best! 

Rhododendron's in vintage milk jar. 

The opening to an old milk jar is perfect for heavier blooms with thicker stems Just right for some fresh picked blossoms! Rhodie's are also lovely floating in a bowl.
I hope you are enjoying some in season blooms from your gardens too!

Tell me, what is your favorite container/vase to display your cut flowers in? I would love to hear your ideas!

I'm taking my backyard bloomers over to Heidi's Country Garden Showcase! Wanna come?

 Happy Gardening and Dandelion Wishes,


  1. I love your blog and you photos are so beautiful!
    See you Friday ;)

  2. Love your home grown bloomers!!! Fabulous name! Yes, they are better than store bought! More satisfying since you grew them yourself!!!

  3. They are beautiful . I like to put my flowers in some of my old ceramic jugs I got from the antique shop . Nothing beats getting flowers or veggies from your own gardens ! Have a wonderful day !

  4. I agree with you that homegrown flowers are so much nicer than shop flowers. I like putting flowers in a glass bottle, especially amber, blue or green ones.

  5. I loved your first arrangement. That little daisy did it for me. I use jars, mostly mason jars and my mom's pretty vintage vases. Enjoy that wonderful garden. You worked hard to get all this beauty. Deb

  6. There is nothing like fresh picked flowers from your garden. They do smell so good. For containers I use just about anything that will hold water.

    @ 3Beeze Homestead

  7. Your bouquets are beautiful! Love the Peonies! I have a few Peonies blooms on my plants that are about ready to bloom but we are expecting a possible frost tonight so I am not sure if they will bloom or not...

  8. Gorgeous flowers! I have tons of hostas in my yard because of all the shade but not much in the way of flowers. I'm thinking I need to put some on the south side of the house so I can have fresh cut flowers to put in all those vases hanging around from store bought flowers.

  9. Oh yes, May went by quickly, but that is the way I like it, as it brings me closer to my husbands return.;) Love all your flowers, I love to make bouquets of the flowers from our garden too.;) Have a great weekend,


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