Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cooped Up

 I don't know about you but I kind of enjoy a late spring RAIN DAY!  Besides being great for the gardens, it gives me a chance to direct my energy to  " what's doin' " inside and rest my bones from a hard days work in the garden.
When I'm working in the garden things have a tendency to pile up! Today, instead of heading outside first thing to mulch the new raised beds I covered the pile and walked over to checked on the Cottage Hens. Look who I found all snug inside the coop! Lacy Lou is taking advantage of the quiet time too.... No dust baths, scratching for bugs and worms for her today! I know she's sitting on a pile of eggs. Those have stacked up too! 

I'm off to tackle the laundry, go through the mail, make out a grocery list, vacuum up the dog hair,swish the toilets and gather eggs. Glamorous, I know but someone has to do it!

 I think I see a batch of homemade brownies in my future!

Have a great day what ever the weather! 


  1. We all need a rainy day to catch up once in a while! We really NEED a rainy day to water our pastures, crops and livestock.

    Have fun doing "skirt work" Deborah.

  2. Skirt Work... love that! Thanks Robyn!

  3. Hey that's what I'm doing today too!
    Skirt work... I love it :D

  4. We just had a day like that here! It was wonderful!!! Those are good days to me!!! My gardens love those kind of days!!

    1. I just came in from picking slugs off the Dahlia's! Ick!

  5. That sounds like a great day! We had cloudy, nasty skies yesterday, so I was able to get in some sewing for a gift!

  6. Sounds like here minus the chickens though ! Its a simple wonderful life isnt it ? Have a great day !

  7. I'm with you, I need a rainy day. I got a new sewing machine and I have not even threaded yet because I have been working outside and going to grandsons ballgames. Ballgames are over, most of my flower beds are clean and have some new planting in them so rain or shine I am going to spend little time inside. I have a broody hen that I have to drag out of the egg box a couple of times a day so she will get some nourishment. We do not have a rooster so of coarse no futile eggs. Poor thing I feel bad for her, I am always stealing her eggs and moving her around.

    1. Hi there Brenda!Just another day in the life of a farmgirl!
      It's a GOOD LIFE! Enjoy your new sewing machine!

  8. heheheheh... no rain in your parts?

  9. Oh, brownies, oh rainy spring days! Since around here there are more rainy days than sunny, I definitely go for the sunny ones!

  10. I hear ya! I'm still waiting for the sun... The novelty is wearing off!

  11. I spent yesterday cleaning too. I didn't make brownies but I did make some great bread/rolls. Brownies sound good so maybe I will make those today!

    I love your chickens!

  12. Hi Carla! Bread/rolls sound great too! I'll the girls they have a new fan!

  13. I'm having a rainy day here but I need a rainy week to catch up around my house. My chickens are still new at being outdoor (or maybe it's me that's new) so I was worried about if the rain would blow into their shelter but they seem to be doing just fine.


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