Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Flower a Day~ # 2



  1. i love love LOVE nasturtiums! but ... sadly, they don't seem to like me, or my soil, or where i plant them, or something! i just can't seem to keep them alive! my sister used to plant them and they just thrived, and spilled over her planters and were absolutely beautiful! i try them every year, and i just recently moved them into a shadier spot, so i'm hoping they will like it there and bloom profusely! :) thanks for sharing yours!

  2. I love them too and that one is gorgeous!

  3. I love how the sun has made its yellow even flashier!

  4. These flowers always make me think of old fashioned gardens, where only useful plants were planted. Love that bountiful feeling.


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