Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, October 1, 2012

October National Painting Month

  June is too cool and wet. July and August are waaaay too hot ( and often too humid ) and September is National Sewing Month so, by the blogging power vested in me I hereby delcare October as National Painting Month for every DIY'r on the blogging block! October is the best time of year to get your shake, rattle and roll on! The kids are back in school, there's just enough daylight and warm fall weather left to get your paint 'n groove on inside and out!

 Now's the time to start/ finish this years painting projects before they end up on next years to do list! Are you with me?  Good!

All of the following images are past DIY projects which have been painted in late September and October through the years.

Barn Red Shed
 I've been rocking to Little Big Town  and rolling the ceiling all day here at Dandelion House.  I know it's just a ceiling and don't worry I'm not going to bore you with photos of it. It was a ( have to ) left over project from last year. I had the paint and everything last fall but, as soon as the time change went into effect all I wanted to do was cook, eat and blog and not necessarily in that order.

Sunkist Color Washed Walls
  On my honor, this year is going to be different! Besides, I couldn't stand to look at that dingy ceiling of ours one more minute.  Do you make our a fall to do list?  I wrote about my fall  list here and by golly I've got one of the biggest painting projects checked off!

Trash to Treasure Hall Tree and Faux Brick Wall

China Hutch, Bar Stool and Walls 

Master Bath built in Cabinet and textured/glazed walls
Barn RED Shed and the Little Red Hen House
October is my very favorite time of year to paint! The living room is next, then some small furniture pieces and a few left over smaller projects too!

 If you could paint one thing this month what would it be?

Let's get those projects checked off the list in time for Turkey Day! 

 Leave me a comment and tell me what you're painting right now!
'll be back tomorrow with some Basic Painting 101
tips and my pom poms...

I'm gonna hop over to Tilly's Nest for the Down Home Blog Hop! Maybe they're doing some painting over there too! Also hopping with the Clever Chicks here!


  1. just gorgeous, my favourite being the last photo.


    1. Hi Gill! Looks like you've been busy at your English Farmhouse too!
      I so want to visit England one day!

  2. I love all the photos . I really love the red barn

  3. Wonderful photos and awesome job . I do love your last photo of the red barn shed and hen house all decked out for fall ! Have a good day !

  4. I just spent the whole day painting trim and crown molding. It looks so nice all finished and freshly painted. Now onto my dining room. I never tire of seeing your coop. One of the prettiest in blog land.

    1. It's a great feeling isn't it? Good for you! And, thanks so much for kind words about our coop! I'll be sure to let the girls know how much you love their little red hen house! :)

  5. Beautiful photos and you are such an inspiration. Just where do you find the energy?! Thank you for linking up again. Enjoy the day!~Melissa

    1. Thanks so much Melissa! I seem to have an abundance of energy in the fall!
      Loving your hop!

  6. I have contributed to the cause, having painted upcycled chair backs into a bench!

    I would love to have you link up with my Clever Chicks Blog Hop again this week!

    I hope to see you there!
    The Chicken Chick

    1. Hi Kathy,

      Another October painter! Good for you!
      I'm off to check out your link! Have a great day!

  7. I found your site through Tilly's Nest Blog Hop. I'm currently painting a dresser that has been sitting in my garage for the past 4 months as well as some floating shelves that will be hung over it in my dining room.


    1. Welcome Kim! Your painting project sounds great! I love up cycling!


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