Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, November 12, 2012

Write On, Mama's Anthology

Why do you write? When I first started blogging I didn't fancy myself a writer but as time goes on I think more like a writer every day. Words, phrases and topics from the heart jump out at me from everywhere begging to be expressed in a piece of writing. As a budding writer I believe I could really benefit from a local writers group. We all need encouragement and feed back as we tap, tap, tap, our way towards the finish line to that first published article, book, blog post, children's book, novel, or Anthology of our dreams!

My cousin, Teri is part of just such a writers group called the Write On, Mama's in Northern California. Before becoming a stay at home mom she worked in Marketing for Ghirradelli Square in San Francisco. It wasn't long before she met and married her dream man and moved to the suburbs of beautiful Napa Valley, California. After many losses, some deep soul searching, and a few miracles they finally became parents. These days she's a busy mother of three ( one boy and twin girls all under the age of 6 ). In between drop- offs and pick- ups to preschool, play dates and bedtime she squeezes in time to write.
Teri, along with the other members of the group have co-written an Anthology and are in the process of raising funds to help with publishing, editing and gaining their 501 ( c ) 3 status in the future. Teri shares her story of how motherhood finally came to them in hopes of inspiring other moms ( and dads ) who pray and wait for babies of their own.

  I'm so inspired by their project and the idea of forming a writing group of my own I just had to share this with you!

 Write on, Mamas! kicked off a fundraising campaign on October 9th to help us raise the resources to seek outside editing guidance and to publish and market this book.  We have an ambitious, but attainable goal to raise $15,000 by or before November 13th! Please consider supporting us and Write on, Mamas! in this effort by visiting our campaign page at  Once there, you can view an awesome video about our project as well as more information about what a donation from you can do to help us out. You can also view the results of our funding campaign in real time on the web page. It doesn't matter how much you donate, every single donation counts.  Consider giving at whatever level is meaningful to you and you will be sustaining a vital and vibrant part of our literary community, not to mention making us one happy group of moms! I hope I can count on your support.  As a token of our gratitude, you will receive special thank you gifts that are also detailed on our Indiegogo web page in the "Perks." 

Thank you for checking out our campaign and making a donation if you are interested!  
Teri Stevens ~ Marketing

 Their fundraiser ends Wednesday November 13th!

Who knows? Maybe you'll put the pen to paper and start a writing group of your own too!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was in the neighborhood and just popped in. I'll bet YOU could start your own writing group too. You're so multi-talented I imagine you could do anything! Look at all you do now! Love how we find inspiration in different places and things!


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