Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, February 4, 2013

Farmgirls For Old Glory

Are you a patriotic American? Do you tear up when you hear the Pledge of Allegiance or the Star Spangled Banner? I do. If you love our flag and all she stands for read Daughters of America for a re-fresher course on what it means to be a true American.
 I was so moved by her post. I think you will be too! 

And, I love her button ( pictured above) which I have displayed PROUDLY on my sidebar...

Written by, Shery Jesperson MJF Ranch Farmgirl Blogger.



  1. I added the button immediately!!! I so agree with Sherry's post. We as Daughters need to unit and stand up with one voice loud and clear!

  2. Nice post ! I am Canadian and I feel that we all should stand and unit for our country's . I am proud to be Canadian as much as you are all to be American . lets all be proud together ! Have a good day !

  3. Did you see the Paul Harvey commercial during the Superbowl? It gave me the same feeling.

  4. Shery's post was a great reminder for me to show my pride of our flag. I live in my family home where my mother had a large flag pole installed as a gift for my father. Dad was a WWII veteran, and very proud of his flag.
    To me, political parties and governmental issues do not detract from the pride in my country. Those of us that still have this pride must pass it on...

  5. I saw Shery's post the other day and was VERY moved by it! I have her button proudly displayed on my blog too! :)


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