Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Please tell me I'm not the only one who feels the rush of spring on my heels. It's as if all that energy for a new season of growing is pushing through the surface of the earth and seeping into the soles of my feet! There's so much to do!!!The best thing to do is to give in and dig in! I've started planting the dahlia tubers now that the weather is more steadily warm. I've purchased a few new dinner plate varieties to replace the tubers that didn't survive their stay in my basement over the winter... Many of them became moldy and simply dried up. I guess if you lived in a basement that would happen to you too!

Here's one that made it! See the little eyes? Those are new stems forming! I learned last year that even if you plant your tubers upside down ( stock facing down ) the new shoots will eventually find their way to the surface! It'll be about 8 weeks until we have dahlia blooms but it's worth the wait!

I ordered my seeds from Renee's Garden Seeds this year ( no GMO's ) because of the amazing variety. I'm going to attempt Sweet Peas this year. Love the vibrant shades of these red and purple blooms above.
Sweet Pea's are climbers so I've gussied up some bamboo tee pees with black spray paint to create a little drama in the garden this summer!

I'm going overboard with Zinnias

and morning glories too!

And, I uncovered some old shutters I picked at a yard sale several years back that I think will be a great addition on the little red hen house! What do you think? Yay or Nay?

Here's wishing you the best of SPRING RUSH on your ole homestead too!

What are you trying in your garden for the first time this year? What are your favorite tried and true flowers that you can't live without?

This obsessed flowergirl wants to know!

Sharing with my blog peeps!
 The Country Homemaker Hop  
Tilly's Nest Down Home Blog Hop  


  1. Yes! I am feeling it much work to be done, but hopefully worth it all! I am digging the shutters on the coop and everything I planted in our edible garden is a first as I am a first timer! Yikers! Wish me luck! I look forward to seeing how your gardens turn out :-)

  2. Looks like you have a lot of work ahead of you ! But think of all the lovely rewards in return . So much beauty ! Looking forward to it all . The weather here has been summer like warm and sunny I am loving it . Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  3. Deborah, Your garden will be beautiful soon and I look forward to seeing what you plant in the raised beds. Thank you for visiting and linking to the Open House party. I am a new follower!

  4. I want to add poppies this year but I hear they are invasive so they need their own bed. My zinnias are starting to pop up , I've a few different varieties and plan to over plant because I love them so much for their long lasting blooms. I'm also a fan of marigolds even thought most people I know don't care for them. Good luck on the tubers!!!

  5. Yay on the shutters! Love the tee pees for the sweet peas! I can NOT wait to see your gardens this year!

  6. I like the shutter!! I'm going to try Zinnias again. I have never had good luck but I love them in bouquets. I will not be planting morning glories. They are very invasive in my Zone. They would take over my garden and choke everything else out.

    Last weekend I went to a Heritage Lilac garden. It was so beautiful I never wanted to leave. Wow, what fragrance!!

    It's Spring, happy planting!!!

  7. The shutters are SWEET! We are too cold to actually plant the dahlia tubers into the ground yet, so I did mine in pots on my sun porch. With the help of my 'Dahlia Queen' neighbor and YouTube videos, I cut up my tubers last fall, wrapped each piece in plastic wrap, and placed them in a small cooler in the garage (where it doesn't freeze). Every chunk was sprouting! I also purchased more tubers, one being a dinner plate bronze variety and one called 'Giraffe'. I think that they might be kind of addictive! I also am doing a couple of begonias for my front porch...
    Good luck to you!

  8. Good morning dear DJ,

    Have thought of you so often, but honestly, I've been up to my eyeballs (as have you, I'm sure) and just haven't taken the time to sit down and get in touch. I am hoping you, Boz and family are doing great.

    Yes, yay, on the shutters.

    Love all you are doing. I just don't know where you find all the energy to accomplish so much AND do family time too. Amazing.

    Love to all,


  9. are sure going to be busy in the garden! I love dahlias and zinnias. They make great cut flowers. I am blessed to have lots of morning glories growing naturally here, and cone flowers that self seed too.
    I love the cute shutter! Go for it!

  10. Sweet peas are my favorite, but they're a NO-No with honey bees so I am very excited you'll be growing and sharing yours this year. Thank you! Apparently, they're toxic to you and me and if the bees visit them the nectar can contaminate the honey so we can't have it. Ugh!) I LOVE your pea trellisis. Black, so regal. Your garden is going to smell like heaven!!!!


Seeds to share? Scatter here...