Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tasty Tuesday: Place Cards are for the BIRDS

Welcome to Tasty Tuesday at Dandelion House! Your go- to spot for trying something new, healthy, and frugal ( with a pinch of pretty) each week in your homestead kitchen
 I'm a sucker for a pretty table. Doesn't matter what style if it's got a mix of pretty vintage dishes, fresh flowers and place cards that make it " personal ".
This weeks Tasty Tuesday Feature comes from the darling Sweet Nothings Blog   authored by the talented and funny B.J.  I laughed right out loud when I read BJ's post that she shared on our Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop last week. 

                                         " EXCUSE MEEEE while I FALL IN LOVE !!

At the risk of being run out of Blog-land on a rail,
I will take this time, ladies and gents,
to say that I've never, EVER used PLACE CARDS at our table.
But when I saw THESE CUTIES, I decided to make a couple.
This cute idea came from COUNTRY LIVING magazine... boy, I just LOVE that magazine. " ~ BJ

After which she shares a detailed tutorial of how she created that darling little Bird place card for her hubby she endearingly calls Mr. Sweet...She makes it look easy so if you think place cards are for the birds too, pop over and see for yourself! Oh, and wait till you see what she served him for breakfast!

Dip into The Farmgirl Friday Recipe Box when you're looking for an old fashioned favorite or a home- cooked meal made from scratch with love. You'll find recipes from the best homestead kitchens, inspiration for setting a beautiful table with all the charm of a farmhouse kitchen PLUS tips for stocking and organizing your pantry. 648 now following!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww, how nice of you to feature my little birdies. :)
    Thanks so,I am looking for a I WAS FEATURED button...don't see one so I'll use your blog button to go on my sidebar.
    Thank you again, dear one.:)


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