Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Confused Dahlia or a COLOR MUTATION?

 Dear sweet blogging friends,
The Dahlia's have begun to bloom in the Dandelion House garden! 
I couldn't resist sharing this very special dahlia with all of you.

I've never seen petals colored this way on dahlias, have you?
 The entire plant seems to be a bit confused as to which color and pattern it truly wants to be. 
Each blossom is different from the next! I've got to dig into this anomaly a bit deeper.


I'm popping back in to edit this post. What's happening is a color mutation! 
It is fairly common in dahlias, but it's not so common to have an entire plant sport different blooms! 
Read more here! WARNING: It's a little plant science-ish but you'll get the gist of it!


  1. Lovely yet strange lol ! Could be a new type of Hybrid ? Thanks for sharing ! Have a good day !

  2. Well, whatever it is it sure is beautiful!! :)

  3. Love it! I had a mutant Foxglove last year. The individual flowers were more like a large Bellflower! Love God's sense of humor in creation!

  4. Gosh, I just love that confused Dahliah! It's amazing what nature does! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures!

  5. So pretty!!! What kind of camera do you have Debbie?

  6. Hi Alicia,
    My camera is a Nikon D70 SLR with a Tamron SP Aspherical Xr Lens

  7. Those are absolutely beautiful blooms! A sport, huh? I like it!

  8. FYI to the best of my knowledge, the yellow part of the flower is called "Painted Madam"


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