Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wedensday Garden Notes with Deb: Late-Spring Sprouts


Isn't this the sweetest bird-feeder? I call it my flowerbird ( yes, one word) feeder. It's made from a re-purposed silver-plated dish attached to copper tubing. My dear friend and artist  Sally Jo Pollard created it for her Patina collection. Sally loves to hunt for foundlings to use in her mixed media artwork. On of her many talents is to bring out the soul of an older piece by giving it a new purpose, and therefore a new life. My hubby and I were was thrilled to be her guest at one of her winter art shows this year. The day was a blustery, wet and dreary February day but this little flowerbird beeder sung to me from across the room and so it came home with me!

I've been waiting for the garden to come to life a bit before bringing it outside for the season. Last week I planted it in the deck garden where I can see it shining out of my kitchen window. I've yet to see any birds visit it but that might be due to the heavy rains and unusually cool temps we've had this week. I am happy to report, however that I've not seen one squirrel in my flowerbird! I think this may be the first bird feeder we've owned that's actually squirrel proof! The copper tubing the dish is perched on must be too slippery for them to climb up. Not that I have anything against feeding the squirrels, but I put that seed is for my winged friends!

All eight of the 4x12 raised beds are planted out. 
One bed is filled with snapdragons ( I purchased two flats already started) and some dusty miller which will make lovely fillers for bouquets.

Oriental Lily's and Gladiolus are all sprouting fine. I've only spotted a few red beetles on the lilies which I took care of with an organic soap spray. I may have to reapply more often than if I used something toxic but I don't want that stuff in my soil or near my pets.

Most of the dahlias are coming up beautifully. I'll need to keep an eye out for slugs with the rain we've had this week, but I'm ready for those little buggers... I've got my trusty Sluggo at the ready! 

In  two of the other raised beds I direct sowed Cosmos Rubenza. It's my first year growing them and I'm so in love with the deep, rich, ruby red petals and that cute little yellow button nose of a center.
I also planted Cockscomb... A popular market flower and gorgeous filler for bouquets too.

Now, if the temperatures would get back up into the 70's I'd relax a little and my zinnias and sunflowers would too!

It doesn't really matter if you're in the garden for 20 minutes or 2 hours. Spending time with your plants and flowers is sure to make any day in the garden a great one!
I hope you enjoy each and every minute ( yes, even the ones where you're so sore the next day you need assistance to get out of bed the next morning). 
How's your garden growing? 

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