Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm a Pinner! DON'T save me!

  Oh my goodness! Do you PIN? I confess, I avoided it for a while even though I knew I was missing out on some amazing creative ideas, beautiful images and guaranteed inspiration.  I finally caved in a couple of weeks ago and I've been pinning ever since! I'm dreaming in *pinterest* at night but don't save me! I love it! Here's my favorite pin this week from a really cool blog that blogs by color themes. This one is from  hepsylone's RED!

 And for your gardening feet! RED Wellies of course from moderncountrystyleblogspot.

That's all for today folks, I HAVE to go find a RED wheelbarrow!

The Red Wheelbarrow ~ William Carlos Williams

so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white

 I hope you have a RED LETTER DAY! Oh, and in all that spare time you have follow me on Pinterest too! I have a board devoted to my favorite color RED! 
Here a pin, there a pin, everywhere a pin pin... Do YOU pin?  
Plow and Hearth sells wooden planter wheelbarrows ready for any color you wish! 


  1. I avoided Pinterest for a long while too as I figured it would be a time sucker. I already have too many things going on. But I had to try it. I have limited myself though, I have to or I would be in there for hours.

  2. I finally gave in. I just started on Pinterest a couple of days ago.

  3. I am yet to check it out have heard rave reviews about it ! Love the red wagaon photo ! Have a wonderful day !

  4. There are beautiful images there!!

  5. I'm a new pinner and love the ideas!

  6. Hey there dear Deborah,

    I have an old RED wooden wheelbarrow right outside. Come on over.

    Never heart of pinners???



  7. Hi deborah,

    I havent started yet, guess i need to figure it out as well. Love red for outdoor decorating, like your coop...Love it........

  8. I too am a pinning adict.
    It's just so much fun! Love the red boots and thanks for the colorful blog tip!

  9. Ha!
    I'm the same way... I even pinned my Raspberry colored Western Chief Weather Vane!

    have fun! I won't stop you---

  10. Love The Red Wheelbarrow poem! I can definitely see you with a red wheelbarrow in the yard! :)
    I avoid Pinterest like the plague or I would be stuck there All. Day. Long.!!

  11. Oh yes me too!! Love to pin! Going to go follow you for something new to pin!

  12. Love you Blog found over at
    Dina Creative Blog, New Follower :-)
    No I don't Pin, no time at present maybe during the Summer "Hot" months in the Southwest I'll have more hours in the day..

    Have Enjoyable day....

  13. Sadly, I pin. OMG. and I love the red boots!

  14. I have been resisting the urge to PIN for several months now after one night spent unable to stop myself...

  15. It seems that my first comment didn't go through so I will post again:

    I tried to keep away from pinning for a long time. Now that I am in, I am not as crazed up about it as I thought but still I could waste more time than I would like to. There is so much beauty pinned out there! Even my husband spends hours on pinterest!


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