Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, January 30, 2012

Rise and Shine

  I'm sending out a BIG Thank You to Hobby Hill Farm and Tilly's Nest today!

 I won! I won! I won the Rise and Shine Travel mug from Hobby Hill Farm. by entering one of Tilly's Nest giveaways! This is the first giveaway I've won and it's great fun! I love the beautifully painted rooster on the mug and the charming decorative box it came packaged in! I'm sure I can find a use for it in the kitchen or pantry! Hobby Hill Farm offers affordable, decorative and fun FARM products for inside and out!

Tilly's Nest is authored by my friend Melissa on Cape Cod where she shares her daily adventures of keeping a small flock of backyard chickens. She and her little flock are rising to the top as up and coming celebrities in blog land. They won Country Livings Blue Ribbon Blogger award last year!

Visit both blogs and like their facebook pages! You'll be glad you did!

Have a wonderful Monday friends! 


  1. Congrats on that lovely mug ! I will have to check out the blogs you have listed in your post. Have a good day !

  2. Congratulations Deb. What a beauty. Woohoo. I am so excited for you.

  3. Cute, cute mug! Congratulations to you!

  4. Hi Deb, so happy you are enjoying your mug! It fits perfectly with you kitchen decor :) Congratulations again!

  5. Thanks girls!!! I'm enjoying it very much... and the notes from you too! Hugs! Deb

  6. How exciting! These are so pretty. I'll go over and check out the links.

  7. Congratulations! I love mugs, so I totally appreciate your stunning prize!


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