Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Southern Style Country Breakfast

 Backyard FARM FRESH Scrambled Eggs with Ham and Cheddar Cheese, Home Fries, and Biscuits with Strawberry Jam
 What better way to start off a New Year than with an old fashioned breakfast? 
When I was growing up we often had a big southern style country breakfast on the weekends. My dad was a Texan and the kitchen was his on Saturday mornings. He loved cooking home fries and a big batch of scrambled eggs with biscuits and bacon or ham on the side. I couldn't wait for those Saturday southern breakfasts and I love to re-create them for my family now a days when Boz isn't in the kitchen on the weekends! 

Our home fries are red potatoes cut  into bite size pieces and fried with the skins on. I like the rustic appearance and the taste too! I salt and pepper them while I'm frying and again one more time right before serving. They'll keep warm in the oven, but they taste best served immediately! Timing is everything with a country breakfast! 

I cheated and made biscuits from a can for this breakfast but they aren't hard to make from scratch. 

Have you tried MaryJanes Budget Mix?   It comes in gluten free, unbleached white and wheat. So good and GOOD FOR YOU too! 

  Stay tuned for more country breakfasts coming your way!  I guess we are gonna eat our way through another New England winter and we might as well do it together! 

What's your favorite weekend country breakfast? Share it in an upcoming Farmgirl Friday Hop or leave us a note on the kitchen door! 

Happy New Year! May all your wishes come true! 


  1. Looks YUMMY ! Hope you and you a family had a Happy New Years day !

  2. That picture made me hungry. My favorite childhood country breakfast came from my Grandma Belle and it included a scramble with onions, ham, cheese, and pepper. Toasted sourdough served with her homemade strawberry jam and butter, and fresh squeezed orange juice. We didn't get the potatoes, but we did get Grandma's giant belgian waffles made from a heavy cast-iron mold. I couldn't even lift it. Don't forget the hot maple syrup... Hmmm. Daydreaming again... Thanks Deb. Have a great week!

  3. Yumm! I love homemade biscuits. It looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Looks very good! The chickens make the most beautiful eggs don't they? Happy New Year Deb.

  5. My Uncle Don used to make grits with lots of butter and black pepper. Yum! I remember he made them one time for my husband who didn't want to be rude and not eat them even though he doesn't like grits. In fact, one time before we were married, I made my husband homemade biscuits and gravy. He pretended to like them but when I went upstairs to do something, I heard fork clicking on plate and realized later he had put the whole lot in the garbage. He certainly was not used to our southern style breakfasts. HA! Best wishes to you and yours for a happy, healthy new year. Tammy

  6. I'll be right over for breakfast!

  7. Oh yes, country gravy and biscuits... another southern favorite.. with chicken fried steak...YUM! I think I'll have to add that one to the list to share as well!
    Thanks for your sweet notes girls!

  8. I love biscuits and gravy, hash browns, ham, bacon..I love it all! The smell of bacon still reminds me of my grandmas house because she used to get up every morning (very very early) and cook a huge breakfast.

  9. Mmm, I would so have that breakfast right now, even though it is time to go to sleep here.;)
    Happy New Year dear Deborah.;)

  10. Yum, yum!! That looks SOOO good!
    My favorite weekend breakfast is cheese enchiladas, eggs over easy (on top of the enchiladas) and refried beans! Hey it's Southern, Southern Arizona!! ;-)

  11. Yum! looks sooo good! Weekends are our big breakfast time too. Thanks for stopping by and commenting today :)
    Have a blessed 1st week of the new year!


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