Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Farmgirl Friday blog hop # 43 and Blog Brothers

Welcome to Farmgirl Friday blog hop # 43! My co-hostess  and " farmgirl at heart " Heidi of  White Wolf Summit Farmgirl  blog and and I look forward to our weekly " farmgirl/boy " gatherings with such anticipation each week.We never know who's going to give us a chuckle, share a recipe we can't live without, bring a tear or make us say WOW ! This week Clint Baker ( our new blog brother ) gets the spotlight! You  heard me right, I said BROTHER! Did you get by to meet Clint  The Redeemed Gardner  from last weeks hop? A farmer for 25 years, he now lives in a suburban setting but his desire to continue farming led him to start a new garden on a 2000 square foot strip of land between his backyard fence and the railroad tracks. What most folks would deem Unusable space, he saw " prime farmland  " and went to work with the help of good friends and neighbors creating raised beds for growing veggies. He's just starting to blog about his gardening adventures. I am WOWed by his creativity, determination and guts! It takes a special man to dip his green thumb into this much estrogen! Way to go Clint and welcome!

Clint Baker ~ The Redeemed Gardner
JulieAnn~ The Homestead Experiment
Starting Here 
Elizabeth~ Living the Homestead Life 
Bits of the Past
Simplify, Live, Love 
Country Momma Cooks

Be sure to let us know if you are NEW to the hop by leaving a comment below. Of course, we would love it if you would follow along too!

Now it's your turn to hitch up for your weekly dose of " from the farm " soul-food "
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl Friday blog hop! 

 1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.

  3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!

Here's what blog sister Lisa Baker of Homespun: My Simple life in Applacia had to say when she found the Farmgirl Friday blog hop!

" I feel like I hit the jackpot being able to share with so many like minded people "

One more thing! I'm SEEING RED over my new love interest " Pinterest" on the BeachFarmgirl blog!
Pedal on over and take a peak!

Thanks so much for all you share here each week!


  1. Oh--my little guy "helped" me with this linky so my first pic didn't go on.... sorry! Thanks for hosting and I linked up my new bread making gadget. Have a lovely Friday! :o)

  2. Hello to everybody on "Dandelion House".

  3. Sorry Deborah
    something happened when i was croping my picture im down twice you can delete the one without a pic. sorry again.....Thanks for joining us homesteaders together. You're awesome...........

  4. So glad to have found your blog. I retired in CA and moved to 3.5 acres in southern IL. I now have sheep, chickens, a huge garden, meat rabbits and two wonderful miniature horses to keep me company. So much work and so little time to get it all done. I hope to learn from all of you. Someday perhaps I'll start a blog.

  5. Beautiful Bog! I justr started following you here Im new, having fun with the link ups!cheers

  6. This is my first time linking up on Farmgirl Friday! :)

    (Our Air-Conditioned & Heated Dog Houses)

  7. what a lovely idea, I may have to join in although I don't own a farm I do live on five acres in the country, I wonder does that count?

    Gill in Canada

  8. Welcome everyone! So glad you found us! What fun to wake up and find new friends here at Dandelion House!

    Gill, please join in anytime! Many of us don't have farms, but we have farmgirl/farmgboy hearts!


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