Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Simple Sunday Supper~ Pot Roast with a HEALTHY Side of Locally Grown Root Veggies

I love the smells that fill the house on a cloudy, windy fall day when our crock pot is working over time filled to the brim with a 2 lb chuck roast basted, dried onions, plenty of crushed garlic, and salt and pepper. It truly is a simple Sunday Supper!

 There are so many variations on cooking a pot roast aren't there? I've yet to master roasting one in the oven. My pot roast has evolved over the years. I used to use Lipton Onion Soup mix ( low sodium ) with three or four cups of water in the pot with garlic, salt and pepper. It was always tasty that way, but I like to mess with things, even when their good! I wanted an organic version so I started using organic beef stock which was equally tasty and better for us. When I went to find my beef stock for this recent post roast, I was out of it but I did have some organic vegetable beef stock so I figured, what the heck? I'll try it! In my husbands words it was " out of this world ". That's the phrase he uses when he's really impressed with something. I had to agree. Using the vegetable stock allowed the flavor of the meet to come through and with the additional simple seasonings it was just mouthwatering good. 25 years in the making and I finally perfected my pot roast!

What do you like to serve with your pot roast? We love mashed potatoes, roasted potatoes, carrots and onions, and fresh green beans too sometimes. If I don't roast the veggies in the oven, I'll usually toss them into the crock pot along with the meat. However, this past Sunday I got sidetracked with some raking outside and other little projects. By the time I came back to my roast it was too late to add them to the pot so I cut up some locally grown purple potatoes ( which I've since learned have a higher nutritional value than the familiar white or red potatoes) and carrots from last weeks CSA delivery and boiled them on the stove-top for 25 minutes. Just long enough to get slightly tender with a little crunch left in them.

 Just look at how pretty the purple and orange are together! I seasoned them with some butter, salt and pepper. I can't tell you how long it's been since we had veggies that tasted so good!
Oh, I almost forgot the biscuits! I cheated and used canned biscuits. They are great in a pinch and they bake up nice and flaky!

Here's the recipe: Crock Pot Roast

2 lb Chuck Roast  (specified for Pot Roasting )
4 cloves garlic
1box organic vegetable stock
 Fresh ground sea salt and pepper  to taste
1 1/2 table spoon dried onion bits.

Set crock-pot to high, add the roast and all remaining ingredients and cook for 4- 6 hours until meat is tender and pulls apart easily.

Boiled Carrots and Purple Potatoes
4 - 6 large organic carrots
6-8 purple potatoes

Cut carrots into 1/4 inch slices and add to 2 cups water. Boil for 25 minutes or until tender and crunchy! Cut potatoes into bite-sized chunks and add to 2 cups water. Cook same as the carrots.
Drain water out of each pan, add 2- 4 Tablespoons of butter and salt and pepper to taste. 
Simple and Perfect every time!

 Buying local food, means fresher tastier and healthier meals on your table. Farm to table at it's best!

Try doing a google search in your area for local Organic CSA year round' delivery or pick up services.
They are beginning to pop up across the U.S.!

We are fortunate to have South Shore Organics serving the south shore of Boston.



  1. Oh sounds yummy for the tummy ! When it comes to roasts I do either slow cooker or oven depends on what I am doing that day . We love mashed potatoes and mixed veggies of broccoli, cauliflower and carrots but I either do them with the roast or if not I steam the veggies as for boiling them you loose more of the nutrients in the boiled water unless you use some of the veggie boiled water for your gravy then it is even better cause the flavor is also in the boiled water ! I just usually wing it all lol No complaints here from Papa yet lol ! Thanks for sharing . I will have to give this recipe a try ! Have a good week !

  2. Those potatoes and carrots have my mouth watering! Hmmm...I have a roast in the freezer and it's supposed to be cool this weekend...guess what we are going to be having! :)
    I have started using Pioneer Woman's recipe for roast in the oven and really like it!

  3. You are starving me to death! I love roast and have to try your recipe.


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