Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Winter Blues ~ " a place in your heart "

My hubby gets a case of the Winter Blues every year when beach season ends. I feel for him! We all do! It's a little harder on him than the rest of us that's all.
You see,  he has had an ongoing love affair with a " special place " since he was a small boy...

This is no infatuation, no small time fling. This is BIG LOVE  I'm talking about. I have learned to live with the fact that he has a mistress and that he must go to her when she calls. He first explored her beaches and waters as a young boy during summer vacation from school. His parents were both teachers which allowed them to stay at " the beach" for most of each summer. Many long, care-free summer days of sand and sun laid the ground work for a very lengthy courtship.

The cottage was small, rustic and right on the water. What we call GREEN LIVING these days was common place in this beach community ( still is)  when he was a boy. He remembers gathering water from a community well,  reading and playing games by the light of gas lanterns mounted on the wall, looking out for skunks on the way to the out-house at night and the warmth of a wood stove on chilly nights. He slept on the screened porch. Her waves, gently lapping on the shore at high tide were his lullaby.

He learned to fish for flounder and crab with a hand line, row a boat, and later graduated to being allowed to drive the family motor boat when he turned 12. We don't call him " the fish" for nothing.. He loves to swim and to this day spends most of his time in the water or on it, in his boat or kayak.

He has spent 45 summers with " the other woman" and 45 winters waiting to be re-united with her.  He continues to be lured by her mystery, beauty and ever changing scenery. His photo library consists of mostly her portraits, which express her many different moods, seasons, and how she has etched her way into his heart ever so slowly one wave, one sand pattern, one sunset, one sunrise, one lightning storm, one snow fall, one glorious moment at a time.

 This mistress of his isn't so bad once you get to know her! I have had the pleasure of being by his side in  "  his special place " for many years. He invited me there early in our courtship and it was love at first sight!

Each cottage has it's own personality. Many of which started out as small fisherman shacks built from washed up materials from ship wrecks. Cottontail bunnies, hop in and out of  briar's and beach roses and sneak nibbles at the grass when they think no one is looking. The mourning doves welcome us back each spring and sing their song all summer long. The fog horn lets us know when should leave the boat on the mooring and snuggle up with a good book, do a puzzle or go visit a neighbor. Low stone walls separate properties today which were once open farm land. Some of the families that make up this small beach community have been there for generations. I remember feeling as if I had come to another world. Indeed, I had. One filled with wonder and beauty as far as the eye could see.

 I later learned that my visit there was a test of sorts.
 Turns out, if I had not fallen for " his special place" I wouldn't  have been deemed " a keeper " and more than likely would have been tossed over board with out a second look!

We have been  so blessed to share "this little slice of heaven " with our families and friends and to be part of such a wonderful community. 

 Now that Winter Solstice is behind us we are looking forward to longer, lighter and brighter days ahead.

Here's a glimpse of what he's dreaming about now!

How about you? 
Do you have a place that lives in YOUR HEART too? 

We all need something beautiful and inspiring to look forward too!

Coming Soon:  Boz Scenes Saturday! 
He'll share a weekly photo of  his place

 We invite you to leave a comment and link up to your special place too! Whether it be your garden, beach, desert, mountain, farm or your favorite chair ~


  1. This was a FANTASTIC and heartfelt post. I loved every word and reread many times. I know that I will return to it often. It is how I feel the second after the solstice. Jeff and I say, the days are getting longer now, and soon we'll be in Maine. But your husband is so lucky to have had this as a child. I totally understand his feelings.

    A few years ago I was a guest speaker at an outdoor School (Skolens Uterum) symposium in Sweden. My hostess was a duchess who lived on a huge estate. Her home, where she'd been born, was about 35 rooms, wide marble staircases, and a zoo of wild animals running around on the estate.

    One day we took a boat out to "her place in the world." It was on a tiny island in the Swedish archipelago. Situtated among pines, swaths of heartsease, mosses, and sedums, was a eensy little cabin as simple as a seashell. She said, "this is where I find my peace."

    May I suggest a special gift for your sweet husband? If you do not already own it, please buy a copy of the classic Outermost House by Henry Beston. He spent a year in a tiny, tiny shingled cottage on a Cape Cod beach where he chronicled every day. The book came out in about 1923 and has never been out of print.

    I am so thankful my day began with this and your lovely writing.


    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island


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