Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Garden Dreams for 2011

While Winter does it's magic on the soil and sleeping plants outside I'm dreaming away inside about all the garden projects I hope to start and finish come spring and summer. 

I'm not sure if this farmgirl is day dreaming or just plain exhausted. Just look at the poor girl with her tattered dress and long face. That's no way to go into a new season of Gardening now is it?  I know it's a stretch, but for the sake of this post lets pretend she's day dreaming shall we? 

High on my list (a carry over from last years wish list ) is to add a few section's of picket fence to both sides of the front of our house with a garden gate for some cottage charm.
But, a picket fence looks naked without plants billowing from all sides of it so we'll want to add some tried and true cottage favorites.

Hydrangea, and Roses will get us off to a good start!

We'll add to our small flock of  back yard Chickens which has dwindled down to 3 from the original 8 we brought home from the feed store 5 years ago. 

 As chickens age they lay less eggs. We love having fresh eggs on hand for cooking. 

And we'll expand the run so they have a little more leg room to get at all those good bugs and nutrients.

And we'll expand our veggie garden area by adding raised beds towards the front of the house where they'll get the most sunlight throughout the day. 

We'll will pick up where we left off on our Council Ring stone patio and rock wall 
made from recycled granite slab pieces from my husbands dumpster diving excursions. I'll do a full post on this project when it's finished! It's top on our list of outdoor creative recycling projects! 

This outdoor space is where we'll go for that " camping " in the back yard feeling and 

where my container herb garden will grow! This project is underway and at the moment, under snow too.
It waits with all of the other garden dreams for 2011.

Where do you get your Garden inspirations ?
I check out books from the library all winter long and subscribe to English Garden for classic design ideas and Mary Jane's Farm for the best organic resources.

Blog land has become my new go to place when I need a quick fix for garden inspiration and that's why I entered the World Garden Carnival 2011!
( current topic is Garden Resolutions for 2011 ) 

What a fun way to meet new bloggers and share garden ideas. I bet some of them are signed up for this carnival. 

Play along and share your garden resolutions too!

Happy Garden Dreams,
Deborah Jean 


  1. loved your Garden Dreams. What a lovely way to start the morning. To know that the earth is merely sleeping and soon will awake, slowly in all its glory, warms the soul!


  2. LOVE the beautiful photos...really brightened my day -

  3. Oh, I love your "garden dreams" ideas!! Nothing is more beautiful then time in a garden, don't you think? I hope you're having a beautiful day!

  4. Your farm girl looks a bit angry if you ask me! Must be all that tilling and weeding has got her down! LOL! The plans for your garden sound wonderful. I am sure your garden will be beautiful.

  5. A lot of nice dreams to have.
    I really like the rose.
    Best luck with your hens and your veggies. Let us know how everything goes.


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