Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Stroll~ Dandelion House Garden Tour

A garden
promises to envelope our senses from our head to our toes doesn't it? Every season dishes up a new color palette, new textures, and new ways to contemplate our relationship with mother nature.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Second Hand Roses~

These " painted ladies" were gathered at different yard sales, flea markets and the local dump! It was a very satisfying trash to treasure hunting day. I came home with money in my purse, a darling little desk with french curved legs and original white iron drawer pulls which I kept! A tired old luggage rack with scratched wood and torn strapping. A vintage mirror, a porcelain rose lamp base, and a beat up cornice from a window treatment that was long gone...Come see how these "ladies in waiting" turned out!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Take Time to Smell the Roses


Sea Rose
by Hilda Doolittle

Rose, harsh rose,
marred and with stint of petals,
meagre flower, thin,
sparse of leaf,

more precious
than a wet rose
single on a stem --
you are caught in the drift.

Stunted, with small leaf,
you are flung on the sand,
you are lifted
in the crisp sand
that drives in the wind.

Can the spice-rose
drip such acrid fragrance
hardened in a leaf?

All along the coastlines of New England the ( wild )  Beach Roses are beginning to bloom and will be at full peek by mid June.

Here they are growing wild along the shores of Duxbury Beach.

             There's nothing sweeter than the sight and smell of thousands of roses at once in bloom.

And no greater reminder to take time to stop and smell the roses...

You'll just feel better, I promise!
Deborah Jean

Friday, May 14, 2010

Going Against the Grain ~

It's that time again! Has Spring Fever hit your homeschool yet?  It arrives at our house round Mid- April each year bringing with it a delightful and distracting burst of energy! Naturally, we all want  to bury the math books in pollen and not dust them off for another year! I admit it! We give in to mother nature  quite often during our homeschool year because we have the benefit of time and flexibility! I have learned to just go with it! It's no fun trying to focus when you simply can't! Once the first whiff of spring air, and sight of new growth is present it's all over!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

something old ~ SOMETHING BLUE

 A little table just for you!

 Cottage Style

 I'm talking about THIS table that my hubby built out of an old worn out oar, a hockey stick and some pine slats.

The inspiration for this little " cottage table" came from another  table that used to be in our cottage... We borrowed the size and shape of it to create this table. The top is made of pine slats and painted with acrylic COBALT BLUE paint! I love the warm patina on the oar don't you? You can't see it but the frame of this little table was built from a reclaimed hockey stick...

Don't let a small space limit your decorating fun! You can still make room to place the occasional book, candle, or sketch pad. Just think SMALL!

Keep your eyes open for ways YOU can re-purpose found items and have fun creating your own Born Again Creation's!

You'll just feel better, I promise!
Deborah Jean

Visit  my Creative Recycling Blog Challenge  page to see more IMAGINATIVE projects!


Saturday, May 8, 2010

Keeping Watch~ a poem for your enjoyment

Happy Mothers Day girls!  I would like to share a little poem of gratitude with you that I wrote to my clients when I traded in my cutting sheers, mixing bowls and perm rods for late night feedings, diapers, bouncy chairs, and play dates and said HELLO to being a stay at home/homeschooling mom 12 years ago.
I hope you enjoy it and will find a little time to reflect on your years as a mom with joy this mothers day.

Keeping Watch

 I have a higher calling,
though sometimes it sounds like bawling,

I'll only get one chance
to get the ants out of their pants, and

to kiss and make it better
is the best job of all.
I must do it now,
before they grow to tall.

Everyone says, " It goes by so fast."
I fear that may be true.
So if you'll please pardon me,
I must bid you adieu.

By now you must know
how sad I am to go.
You've given me so much,
even if most days.
I did work through my lunch.

The fun we had
keeping your hair from looking bad
can never be replaced.

So, I'll keep you in my heart
while we're apart,
perhaps we'll meet again
in some other time and space.

Until then, take good care
of yourself and your hair!


PS. Surely there are better, more well written poems and writings on the meaning of motherhood. I believe every mother carries her own special feelings about motherhood and the importance her role will play in her child's life and in the world. These words are just a few of mine.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blithewold Mansion and Garden Tour

We visited Blithewold Mansion and Arboretum in Rhode Island last Sunday and I can hardly wait to show you the sites!

Located on Narragansett Bay, 25 minutes east of Providence and 60 minutes south of Boston, Blithewold is one of the finest garden estates in New England. Your exploration of Blithewold will include diverse gardens, specimen trees, and a 45-room English style manor house, all chronicling the rich social history of the lives of one family over a span of more than 80 years...Put on your walkin' shoes and let's get going!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Pretty in Pink~ cherished china

I've always been a bit old fashioned at heart. From the time I was a young girl I have been in love with anything old. Old towns, old houses, old furniture, old gardens and old ways too. I know I'm not alone in my ability to romanticize the past and I love to bring the yesterdays we romantics long for back into the here and now through the art of creative recycling.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Pink Pants, PEARLS and Polka Dots

Is this card a hoot or what? My Aunt sent me this card after she had heard through the grapevine ( thanks mom ) that I had my first official hot flash. She was just having a little fun with me and welcoming me to the club! Don't pretend you don't know which club I'm talking about. You know darned well which one. The one where it's perfectly acceptable to wear pink pants with a yellow polka dotted blouse, and bright red shoes with lipstick to match and a nice string of pearls for the finishing touch.