Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Friday, June 18, 2010


 Welcome to where we create!


Whew! We finished just in time for the second annual WHERE BLOGGERS CREATE party Karen Valentine is hosting at My Desert Cottage!  the day we've all been waiting for... We artists love to play show and tell don't we?

 We're just one of hundreds of excited bloggers participating this weekend.  Up until about 4 days ago our new " creative space" was your typical basement stuffed to the gills with this and that...Well, not anymore!!! I'll save you the pain of before pic's and get right to the fun stuff!

FOLLOW the pink butterfly...

We've been needing a space to spread our creative wings ~

One of the artists in residence  (our daughter ) and her friend painted these stools in preparation for today's event! Every artist need a place to sit and day dream while we create!

We keep some of our supplies in a vintage armoire'... It's doing double duty while it waits for a Painted Lady treatment.. ( that's what I call my hand painted  furniture pieces )

I love these beautiful printed storage boxes and they inspire me every time I look at them.... 

I've had a passion for the Decorative Arts, ( hand painted furniture in particular) for over 20 years and I thoroughly enjoy studying this art form! There's always something new to learn. I have been so inspired by Master Decorative Artist  Debbie Travis ... I love the way she is always so bold in her room makeovers and her books and tapes are all fairly easy to follow even if you're a beginner! Melanie Royals of Royal Design Studio is another favorite of mine. She has created some of my favorite stencils and stenciling technique's too.

I'm no different than many artists I know who long for a special private studio tucked away in the hills, a sea side cottage or bunk house, or a loft studio in the big city. We are all such dreamers aren't we? I'm lucky to share a creative space with our very creative daughter who is also responsible for the name of our studio. 

 I use this space to transform my " ladies in waiting " (cast off furniture finds)  into PAINTED LADIES...

  Our daughter loves to create with paper, paint, glitter, glue, old boxes, string, ribbon, yarn; what ever we have on hand really! 

She has been such an inspiration to me as an artist. Children are so free in the way that they imagine and create...Through watching her I have learned to let- go in my own creative expression..

           If you can picture it, YOU CAN MAKE IT
~ Nicolette

( Yep, that's her quote and if you click on the word MAKE you'll find a little story I wrote that was inspired by her and her fearless creativity )

A must have for any creative space is place where you can see all things that inspire you! We created an inspiration wall for some of our favorite pics and drawings.

Your the first one's to see the the beginning's of my next hand painted furniture collection titled, IN BLOOM. In it's previous life this frame was stained a dark walnut color. It was a cast off I picked up treasure hunting... Now it blossom's!

The LOVE tower is one of our daughter's origami creations... and sets the perfect " vibe" in our creative space... The picture book My Day in the Garden is one of my inspirations for my new furniture collection. I love how Anita Lobel paints in every color under the rainbow and in a bit of a loose style !  

Our new creative space has everything we need to create to our hearts content. We have a sewing table that folds up and down in the center of the room, plenty of shelving for a variety of ART supplies, space to store " ladies in waiting" and origami butterflies perched everywhere to help us forget we're DOWN CELLAR.

They keep us inspired and having fun!

 Thanks so much for stopping by!

We hope you enjoyed your little peak into DANDELION WORKSHOP... 

Please leave us a note in the comment box above on your way to the next stop and enjoy a wonderful weekend of studio touring in blog land. We're off to see  " where you create " !  

Thanks for hosting this party again  Karen!

Dandelion Wishes and Happy Creating to all!

 Deborah Jean and Nicolette~


  1. HOW CUTE!!!! Love the organization and the fun it looks like you all are having! Now, I am very inspired to organize my sewing/craft room and share some photos, too! I really needed some motivation to "get busy" - your pics did the trick! Thanks for letting us bloggers see your work space!

  2. You know the old saying about "great minds travel in the same circles" (something like that)..,..I had to check out your blog because you had Dandelion in the title and then I see we both have another thing in common....Love it! Check out I, also, have done a lot of decorative painting in the past, even taught! So fun to meet you and get to visit your "special place".

  3. Your creative space is wonderful! Love your decorative painting. The stools are fabulous!
    Queen Bee Studio

  4. Love the stools! Your space is lovely, so neat and tidy, unlike mine!

  5. the stools that your daughter and friend painted are too cute!
    I love things like this...built in memory each time you sit on them.
    I have a few things my kids did when they were younger and I am so glad I never got rid of them or redid them!
    Have a wonderful weekend and Thank you so much for sharing your studio with us!
    It was really fun!

  6. Your room looks so happy and like a very fun place to hang out playing/ working.
    A delight to artistic muses every where.
    hope your having a great weekend.

  7. Barbara Jean thank you so much for sharing your wonderful space with us. It's made even better because it is filled with ALL the creative members of your family! Lucky YOU!!! I'm so glad you were able to join the party this year. Enjoy the rest of your weekend and all the other bloggers who are playing along!
    My Desert Cottage

  8. What a talented and amazing artist you are! I am totally in awe!
    Best wishes,

  9. What an amazing space you have created! You have inspired me to add to my own crafting area.

    I adore all of your storage solutions.

  10. Very nice space. I love the origami letters. Really cute. Your space is colorful and fun.

  11. What a wonderful and creative space! I found it very charming. Thank you so much for visiting me in Montana too! Kit

  12. Ooohhh..congrats on making the creative re-do in your basement. Looks great!
    You know I love your painted furniture!

    I agree that it's so inspiring and fun creating with our daughters!

    happy day!

  13. What a fantastic creative space. You can never have enough glitte!
    :o) Love all your painted items. So, enjoyed my visit with you. Have a great week.

  14. Great to see your handy work and your creative space thanks for sharing it all with us.

  15. It took a while for me to get to the d's on the sidebar.....but, at least the paint is dry on the stools for me to sit on. I love that my daughter enjoys my is great that yours does too.....tell her nice job on the stools!

  16. Hi Deborah,

    I love all of the decorative painting on the furniture. You've don a marvelous job in such a short time...I've been working on mine it seems like forever..LOL But it done!
    Thanks so much for sharing your studio with's so so nice.

    I'd love to have you come take a stroll through my's been a labor of love to get it all in place..what a journey this past year has been!

    Have a wonderful day,
    Stephanie ♥

  17. What a great space to create in ...your work is superb...

  18. Beautiful things! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  19. Hi Deborah,

    The photo that's framed and hanging behind my desk is what you were looking at I guess?

    It's actually a's my post telling all about it from last year. It's totally awesome to me since I love textile and fibers so much.

    Have a great day,
    Stephanie ♥

  20. Hi Deborah, how fun that you can share your creative space with your daughter. I have enjoyed the tour and really like your work alot. Thanks so much for sharing with us.

  21. So wonderful that you met your goal - everything looks organized with space to create!!! And what a wonderful opportunity for both of you!!!! Thanks so much for sharing your happy creative place!


    Romeo and "her"

  22. You have a wonder space. I love all the painted pieces.

  23. Hi Debra Jean! Thank you for leaving such nice comments. I loved the stools and the painted chair!! I have a chair to paint too...but it is waiting for my new mudroom before it can decide how it wants to be painted. Gotta have a checkerboard around the seat though. TanX for the ideer! shery j

  24. Hey Deborah Jean, thanks for stopping by 16 Sassy Street! I appreciate your nice comments on my painted screen and mirror! Ahhh yes, the 70's - orange, green and yellow! I bet you had a shag rug, too!!

  25. Both organized and fun! Thanks for sharing. Connie

  26. Thanks for popping by and commenting. I have enjoyed seeing your creative space and seeing another Mom that shares her space with her creative children.

    Many Blessings,


  27. Your space is delightfully refreshing - and (this is funny) - I created a book using paper that is similar to your blog background!


  28. Dear Nicolette and Deb,

    YOU TWO AMAZE ME-there is no end to your creative juices.

    Love to you both,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  29. Love the painted chair... I haven't done anything like that in ages...ohhh I need to! thanks for the spark!

  30. How sweet and vibrant your art style and creative space are. I love that you share your creativity with and are inspired by your daughter. Her box is just lovely! Thank you for sharing.

  31. Hi Deborah, what a wonderful home for your daughter to grow up in, surrounded by the joy of creativity!

    ~ Violet

  32. Those stools are awesome! Don't you just love creating with your's the best!

  33. I jumped over here via the link on Sharon Lovejoy's blog, and this is a great work space you are creating. The bright butterflies are a pretty touch.

  34. What a lovely place you have there. so inviting. It is so nice to spend your creative time with your daughters. I get to spend alot of time with min creating and reading story on the other link I see alot of simularities in what you are saying. they are amazing aren't they. thanks for sharing your space and story. Have a wonderful day. Angela

  35. Great painting, and fun space, can't wait to see more, thanks for sharing your creative space! XOXO

  36. It's great that you are sharing your space with your daughter - what fun memories you will create together. Thank you so much for sharing with us!

  37. How lucky you are to share your studio with your daughter. My youngest used to craft with she is 21 and away at college. Give yours a hug for me!

    Yes, I am still visiting the participants in the Where Bloggers Create event...and enjoying it so. Thank you for sharing your creative space with us. Have a relaxing Sunday. ~Natalie

  38. Thank you for showing not only your space, but what inspires you. At the time you all are what inspires me. I am a newbie to the blogging world (2 wks!) and am inspired by your blogs! Thank You~ Sherry F.

  39. I think this is a wonderful space, and that you share it with your daughter is even better. Your work is beautiful and the cute.
    Thank you for sharing your space with us.

  40. What a precious space you have to share with your daughter. I think it's so wonderful when our children love to create too. Both of your artwork is just wonderful.

  41. What an awesome post. Loved seeing where you create!


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