Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, June 14, 2010

Where Bloggers Create ~ It's party time!!!

Have you met Karen Valentine of My Desert Cottage?  I've been following her blog for a couple of months now. She has such a warm, sweet way of  sharing her " desert cottage life" and her talents which  also include blog design at Valentine Designs.  

 I think she has truly found her nich' in blog land!

This year she's hosting her second annual Where Bloggers Create party where bloggers get to show off  share our creative spaces! She has some great prizes and the winner will be featured on Where Women Create!

 I decided to participate at the last minute on a whim!  It's just the sort of pressure I need to finally put together a " creative " space just in time for summer.  Those of you who know me know that I'll paint just about anywhere there is space inside or out and that my dining room table is usually covered with crafty stuff...

I'm in hopes of having a " space of our own " soon!  A place where I won't have to clear the table to eat dinner, where sandpaper dust and hardened glue will no longer be mistaken for Parmesan cheese and salad crutons'. Finally a place to  create to our hearts content. Where we can close the door behind us on the artful mess that making art creates leaving it behind until inspiration hits!

My dream studio, a barn/studio out back with a roaring fire and music is out for now so there's only one place to go...  DOWN CELLAR! That's what Yankees say when they mean the basement!  

Over the next few days I'll be re-designing a portion of our basement to be UN- veiled in my post on Friday June 18th!  I can't wait for the party to begin so I can visit all the wonderful " creative spaces " of bloggers everywhere!

Click here to see who's participating and don't forget to check back at Karen's place starting on the 19th...

Once the party has started you can blog-hop to your hearts content where you'll be sure to find  more than enough inspiration for creating the studio of your dreams even it it's a tiny corner of a room, a small desk space tucked away in your bedroom, or your dining room table...

 Your creativity needs an outlet!  Don't sit on your " creative dreams "  for lack of space... Use what you've got and get busy making each day YOUR masterpiece!

until then,
Dandelion Wishes,
Deborah Jean~


  1. Deb what a sweet and wonderful post, Thank you very much for the shout out! I look forward to seeing you and your little piece of artistic heaven. Take care!
    My Desert Cottage
    Valentine Design

  2. Seems we are going to the same party. See you there hehehe

    happy day!

  3. Hey! I found a link to your blog (and mine too!) on a RUSSIAN website. I’m sending the site and I also translated it with Babelfish translator. Thought you might get a kick out of this. Too funny!

  4. Can't wait to see the un-veiling of your new work space!!! How exciting to have a place for inspiration, work, and fun! Good luck with the last few details!

  5. Oh, I meant to say I love all your cute clip art, logo, colors and blog backgound!

  6. I'll check back on Friday. I would love to see your new studio.

  7. Love the chairs; love the stools! I'm a big fan of painted furniture and wish I could have more in my home.


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