Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Monday, February 21, 2011

Homestead Barn Hop

There seems to be a revolution going on! 

A Homestead Revolution! Today is the first Homestead Barn Hop hosted by Amy of the fast growing Homestead Revival Blog.  

Her rules to play are: 

Write a post about any homesteading activity you do from keeping chickens, to making your own soap or becoming a Bee Keeper like Amy! 

Go for it Amy! As for us and our little suburban homestead,we keep chickens, enjoy organic gardening and cooking, homeschooling and creative re-purposing! 

My Simple Homemade Ham and Cheese Quiche with backyard fresh eggs. 

We've got a couple of cute little Barn Red out buildings that satisfy my big farmgirl heart! 

Our  girls are " old ladies" now so we'll be adding to the flock this spring. We love the  Araucana, Wyandotte and the Barred or Plymouth Rock laying hens. They have proven to be very hardy through New England winters. They're friendly and good layers too.

 It's just about time to select new baby chicks for this spring. We order ours from a local landscape and farm supply.

One of the first books I read on homesteading was the Self Sufficient Gardner by John Seymour. It's a wonderful guide for learning how to grow and preserve your own food. Of course with the Internet, and now blogs that information is available at the click of a button but I still find comfort having it on my book shelf and refer to it each spring and summer for new ideas and inspiration. 

When I discovered Mary Jane's Farm magazine a couple of years ago it added a whole new meaning to homesteading for me. Now I see it from a farmgirl perspective! It's more fun and every little thing I do different counts and is worth celebrating. 

Going organic and being more mindful of where our food comes from doesn't have to be so serious. It should be fun and a celebration of life! In fact, MJF farmgirl chapters are sprouting up all over to share homesteading experiences. 

Besides the fact that homesteading is challenging, life giving and rewarding it's also American! 

Thanks for starting the Homestead Blog Hop Amy.  I'm looking forward to seeing how other  homesteading families are living healthier and closer to the land. 

Happy Homesteading!
Deborah Jean  


  1. Hi, found you today through Homestead Revival..wanted to pop in and say hi..I like your blog and have added it to my read everydays....I'm a MJF girl myself..I am a country in the heart girl living in the city...I like reading about your chicks, and I love brown eggs....have a blessed day.

  2. Hi! I'm also popping in from HRevival. We are hoping to get chickens in a year or two and I was wondering... in general how long until a chicken stops laying and is considered an "old lady"?
    Love your blog!

  3. Hi Debbie,
    I love how all your photos of your homestead. I noticed a lot of people decided to do their first Barn Hop with a homestead introduction. I like that idea, I think I will do it next time. Thanks for stopping by my homestead :)

  4. Welcome Faith and Robin!
    thanks for stopping by and leaving me a note!

    Your girls won't be considered old ladies until they're 3 or 4. They can live up to 12 years but the average is 7 years...
    Happy Homesteading!

  5. Hi there, What a lovely sunny way to start my day on this overcast Nevada morning. You've renewed my spirit and helped me remember...spring is on the way! The photos are wonderful, so vivid, and that red to just exquisite. Love it!!
    Dream big, as I know you do.
    Love from Nan

  6. It looks like you have the life I aspire to have.
    I once had it...before the quilt it is time to get back to it. We are on the hunt this next year for our own hobby farm to settle down in to now that we know we love Tennessee!
    Great post!

  7. What a fabulous blog! It makes me wish I had a place in the country, and when the first dandelion pops up in my yard this spring, I'm not pulling it!

  8. Hi Deborah Jean! I too popped over here from HRevival and love your site. Very pretty. We're wanting to get some chickens but not sure they would survive all the coyotes. Oh! And I'm a MJFarmgirl too!
    Mary Beth

  9. Hi Mary Beth,
    Glad to have you stop by. thanks for your note!It's worth it to do a little research on a proper hen house and run to protect your laying hens. We have a 5 foot chicken wire fence around our run, buried a foot underground to keep critters and coyotes out... so far so good... it's been 5 years! It's worth it!
    take care,

  10. Love your special red barns, just enough to add that MJF touch..Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment..

  11. This has been so much fun! Welcome all new friends who clicked the follow button during your visit and all those who left a note too!
    Thank you!

    Jonalee, Its' funny who the grass always looks greener on the other side! You'll find that patch of ground your looking for and the balance you so desire too. Thanks for your note!

  12. Hi there new follower here from Indiana.
    I am a homeschooling mother of one boy.We raise our chickens and our learning our way through Homesteading.I absolutely adore your log,please someon over and follow our way through homeschooling and homesteading as a family of three.

    We are hatching silkies right now.One incubator just hatched 2 days ago and the other is almost ready for lock down,LOVE IT!!!

  13. I so want chickens! The farm store will have them in on thr 28th. I need to get building their house, soon. I really want to get some Wyandotte's since that is the name of the street I live on.

  14. I have so enjoyed getting to know your goings on at your homestead!

  15. Deborah Jean,
    Your blog AND homestead are charming!! If my HOA would allow it, I'd paint my coop red this weekend - like yours! DARLING! I'm going to keep me eye out for the book you mentioned. It sounds really interesting - and I still love to crawl up with a book that I can touch, smell, and enjoy - no Kindle for me!
    (love your bee photo, too!)

  16. Hi Amy! I was hoping you'd make it by! Thanks for your kind words... The paint is called Barn Red and is an Opaque Stain not an actual paint. It won't chip like paint does which is a plus and makes it easy to touch up too. I got it at Home Depot in the porch and deck stain section. I think it might be Behr. The BEE photo was for you! The book is still easy to find at the Library. No kindle for me either!
    thanks for hosting this Barn Hop... I've made some wonderful new blog friends because of it!
    See you next Monday for #2!


  17. Love the red coops, they are gorgeous amidst those flowers and grasses!!

  18. I have chickens too and I LOVE them!!! I'm a new follower - check out my blog when you have time:

  19. I love your blog! Looking forward to following!


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