Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old/New Garden Shed

Do you dream of a Garden Shed of your own? I do but I want it to be different, and affordable. I've been thinking how wonderful it would be to create one from reclaimed materials. Imagine what a fun treasure hunt it would be to go off in search of old doors, windows, metal roofing, and all things gardening for inside.

 I was catching up with a few of my favorite blogs this am and there it was! I found some inspiration for all of us re-purposing fans.

  Pamela of Backwoods Cottage  is featuring just such a garden shed today on her blog.  It's right up our re- purposing alley! Go take a peak and tell her I sent you! And, go meet Sharon Lovejoy's "  little sprig", her garden shed build from re-claimed materials! It's darling!

Deborah Jean


  1. Oh, oh, oh, I love your blog! I can't wait to come back and take my time and peruse at my leisure. Can't right now but I will be BACK! I have chickens too and enjoy them. I want to do a post on backyard chickens soon.

  2. We plan to make a structure using alot of found materials too! It is actually going to be a "learning project* with my kids...hands-on building they will learn skills they can use their whole life.

    Plus once they learn how,perhaps I will have help with all other things I want to build here. . .feed and hay sheds, art studios. potting shed, etc

    happy day!

  3. That is a beautiful garden shed ! I love to re-purpose old things. It's always fun to see how other people use these items. I will have to go and visit the blog you suggested. Have a great afternoon.
    Cary Ann

  4. Love that picture of the shed! That's what I want!! One that isn't just a garden shed, but a retreat as well!! Time to hunt for some old windows!!!

  5. Hi dear Deborah Jean,

    Ok, I zoomed on over to Pamela's shed and it is DARLING. So much fun and thanks for sending me there.

    My little "Sprig" is mostly out of old windows, doors, screen door, chicken feeders etc. from junk shops and from the ReStore, which is so fabulous.

    Sending love across the cold miles,


  6. Dear Sharon!
    I thought of " sprig" while I was writing this post! I should have included the link so I will now!

    Meet Sharon's Little Sprig too! Made from recycled materials!!!

  7. That sounds pretty cool. It can be hard work, but there's a lot of potential in making a custom shed on your own. You can make one that blends in with the outdoor environment around it. That'll make the shed feel more like a home.

  8. I love that way you renovate it. It's color is rich making the shed looks cozy. Teatime for me is the best time to spent there.

  9. Lovely shed. Is that a metal shed? What i am pretty quite sure here is that that shed has metal tin roof.

  10. The garden shed is very important for homes. A fully organized garden shed provides the safety and prettiest look to your home.
    Garage Doors Perth


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