Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Saturday Scenes with Boz

 SATURDAY SCENES at DANDELION HOUSE  is our day to share images from the Boz Scenes photo library.  Please join us in this weekly tradition of taking pause to appreciate the beauty of nature.If you feel inspired to share a Saturday Scene of your own, please do and link back to this original SATURDAY SCENES post. Be sure to leave a comment so we can visit your scene too!

 As always, thanks for looking and have a beautiful Saturday...


Deb and Boz


  1. Wow, I LOVE that October quote and these fall pictures! I actually did my own post this morning on the surprising beauty that landed in our back fields this morning.
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend,

  2. Lovely photo ! I did a post this morning of the frost we had and of course out in my PJ's taking photos before the sun had a chance to melt it all ! Have a wonderful day !

  3. This is my favorite color of fall leaves.

  4. Beautiful photo. I can never get enough of fall colors. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. He has a real eye for beauty...of course we already knew that because look who he married!


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