Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dahlia Deluge: The Grand Dame of the Cut Flower Garden

Source: The Glitterguild

After poking around on the * internet garden * of  Pinterest and looking at so many amazing images of Dahlias, to me, they are undoubtedly the " Grand Dame of all the cutting flowers!
          Get ready for a DAHLIA DELUGE! 

Never have I seen so many differently shaped petals and colors in one flower variety. 
From flat to fluted flower petals and bright to barely there colors the Dahlia steels the show for beauty and variety. 

Not only to they vary in shape and color but also in size!

  Besides the Sunflower and maybe a tropical Hibiscus what other cut flower comes as large as an 8 - 10 inch dinner plate ?

Countryliving Connecticut Kitchen Garden
Believe it or not, this lucky farmgirl belongs to the garden of my inspiration photo for my Backyard Flower Farm! I didn't see the original article in Country Living magazine but I've included the link to it above for you.

 They make a elegant wedding flower.

And, they are right at home as the centerpiece for a country romance table setting too!

  Aren't they just stunning in the field?

So, are they easy to grow? I wouldn't know from personal experience. I'm still dreaming remember? But, I found a wonderful 6 minute video all about growing Dahlias at White Flower Farms!

Dahlias are spring bulbs so if you are considering adding them to your gardens this year watch the video! If any of you grow Dahlias, I want to hear about it!

I can hardly wait until I can photograph my very own Grand Dames of the Garden and share them with you!

PS. Most of these images are re-pinned from my Cut Flower Board on Pinterest! Come by to see more beautiful Dahlias and cut flower inspirations!


  1. Oh it makes me long for summer ! Great post ! Have a good day!

  2. Love your photos! My husband grew them last year in 'his' garden;) And wow were they big and gorgeous!!!! I am going to grow them this year myself. YOu will love the varity of them:) Have fun.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  3. Love Dahlias! They are easy to grow in the Northwest and we even have Dahlia Festivals. Now there is where you will see color! So come on over the end of August for a real treat to Swan Island Dahlia's!!

  4. Wow. So many beautiful flowers! Can you imagine life without flowers? The aromas, the colors, the forms... ah! Amazing!

  5. I love dahlias too. Especially dinnerplate dahlias. They seem to defy gravity and come in so many solar bright colors. I am looking forward to your dahlia garden images.

  6. love the beautiful pics! they are definately one of my favorite flowers, very easy to grow. i stake my up because the flower heads are so heavy and they will lay on the ground. happy growing! :)


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