Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Saturday, March 24, 2012

SPECIAL Saturday Scenes with Boz continued...


A Saturday Scene for your enjoyment~ with Boz 

If you missed last weeks Special Saturday Scene go here for part 1 of  Boz's story about his introduction into photography and how he was hooked from the first shot!
Part 2~
I took pictures with my Kodak 124 sporadically throughout childhood but was not inspired beyond the simple record-keeping aspect of the craft. The day before entering the Air Force I borrowed my brother-in-law’s Canon SLR and shot a full roll of film at the beach. This was the first 35mm camera that I had held and I knew that I would have to own one. It was one of those spectacular mid-September days without a breath of wind. The cloudless sky and still ocean were matching shades of blue and the morning sun cast a warm light from just the right angle. My father was anxious to re-shingle one side of our cottage but I made him wait while I climbed to the top of the lighthouse and took pictures from the outside railing. Years later I enlarged and mounted three shots from that morning in a panorama that now adorns my office wall. The blue sea and sky, the red roof shingles, the autumn gold creeping into the green marsh grass, the white beach sand… I am instantly transported back in time 33 years to that morning. The photography bug bit me that day and I have been infected ever since.
To be continued...

As always, thanks for looking and have a great weekend! Get out with your camera if you can and capture a scene of your own!


  1. Thank you, Boz! I have always wanted to be a good photographer but alas I think I might be too ADHD...I've always been in a rush with a demanding corporate career, 4 children and a farmette complete with livestock. But...I am retired now just 2 dogs and me on a small lot in town. This might be my magic moment! There are no classes around here. I might check online. All I have is a digital Kodak 10X Optical there a specific type of camera you need to take good pictures (I especially like nature and animals) or is it in learning technique? Or all of the above? Your pictures are beautiful and I live in a beautiful place but I can't seem to capture it. Any advice is appreciated....I'm a novice! Have a great weekend both of you!

  2. Ahhhh, Boz and Deb,

    These views are glorious and yes, you WERE bitten big time by the bug and we're all the better for it.

    I love this photo so much. This helps me bridge the time away from Maine.

    All joys to you,


  3. I love the picture of the lighthouse and I'm really loving this series of posts Boz! :)


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