Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop

Friday, November 8, 2013

Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop # 133 and My NEW Vintage Homestead Etsy Shop!

  Happy Farmgirl Friday everyone! Are you ready to sit back and relax with your favorite farmgirls and boys this weekend? Me too! We've been gathering so long now that I get excited when the season changes because I know I'm in for a real treat with every link you share as we lead up to the holiday season. If you've got time and you can remember to do it please share some of your favorite holiday recipes on my Facebook page for Recipe a Day! It's so inspiring to see all that yummy goodness in one place and its easy for others to share too! 

FARMGIRL FUN: After becoming a vintage dealer in my local antique mall last January I decided to take the plunge into online shop keeping. I am now an official Etsy Shop Owner, along with millions of other shop keepers. Boy, do I have a lot to learn! I hope I'm not in over my head! I'm not fully stocked yet, but I am having fun adding new vintage, handmade and time worn items every day and I've already made a couple of sales! The actual online set up shop wasn't really difficult, but I need to make a little packing station area and have a place to store items that are waiting for a new home.

 I know many of you are  already savvy Etsy Shop keepers. Any tips for a newbie shop keeper like me would be most appreciated! Do any of you advertise or join communities on Etsy? I would love to hear your experiences too. I'm working up a new business card at Vista Print and investigating shipping materials. I like the idea of keeping things simple. I'll post when I get it all coordinated!
 I invite you to come visit  MY VINTAGE HOMESTEAD and favorite my shop and I'll return the favorite to you if you Etsy too!

That's the excitement at Dandelion House Homestead this week! What's new in your farmgirl world? 
Heidi, Dolly, Debbie and I want to hear all about it!!!

 Heidi of My Simple Country Living 
and White Wolf Summit Farmgirl Blog
Dolly of Hibiscus House and Dolly is Cooking
Debbie of Farmgirl Unleashed 
and me of course!

You know what to do!

1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Share what being a farmgirl means to you. Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals,  quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!

2). Leave your entry in the  Linky tools space to your  Farmgirl Friday post.

3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!

4.) Enter up to three entries per hop! 

Be sure to leave a note if you're new to the hop! If you haven't clicked that follow button yet, please join us and be sure to stop by our FACEBOOK page and like us there too! 

As always, thank you for your continued participation! Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! See you on the hop! 

PS. This is a blog hop, so please share it with your friends by copying the code at the bottom of this post and including it into your weekly entry!


  1. Good afternoon - happy Friday to you! Congratulations on your new Etsy shop. I hope this goes well for you. I have been considering opening a shop on Etsy also, but just haven't had the nerve (or knowledge) to do it yet! Thank you for hosting - have a great weekend.

  2. Hi Deb! Thanks for hosting! Gonna swing by your Etsy shop now!:)

  3. Congrats on your online Esty shop . I hope it takes off for you which I am sure it will . Thanks for sharing and hosting . Have a good weekend !

  4. Your Etsy shop is wonderful. I perused it earlier today. :-) I am new at Etsy too. Haven't joined any groups. Wonder if I should. It was super easy to set up, but now the work of getting folks there begins! Congrats to taking the step into the Etsy world!

  5. Deb, Congrats on your new Etsy shop! The holiday shoppers are already busy! We opened our Homesteader Gifts Etsy shop just before Thanksgiving last year and hit the ground running. Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend is ahoppin! We belong to a regional Etsy group near us and also the Old Farmhouse Gathering Etsy group--your shop would be a perfect fit for that--lots of primitive and vintage shops. Tips: Give yourself a wide pack/ship window--it's easier to ship earlier than expected than to scramble to keep up with a 3-day turnaround when it gets crazy. Get free shipping boxes from USPS, and look into regional shipping rates. Most of all, have fun!
    ~Marie at The Homesteader School

  6. Hi, I just found your blog via google, and I am pleasantly surprised to see a Farmgirl Friday...I actually just started a Farm Girl Friday on my blog. I will try and join in your blog hop from now on. Cheers, Tori,


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