Dear friends,
Here it is the middle of June and I've yet to post about all the garden happenings here at the Dandelion House Homestead! A girl can only do some much in a day I tell ya and the garden rules right now! Can you relate? We've had quite a bit of rain here in the Northeast this week. So much so I had to run out and cut several of my peonies in order to save them from being deluged and ending up on the ground before they even had a chance to blossom.
To me, peonies are just the best June flower going.
Here they are drip- drying on our dining room table ( no pretty staging needed ) in the largest pitcher I could find to put them in! If you could only smell them! The large double blossom white ones are called " Gardenia " for the simple fact they smell just like them! One or two blossoms can fill an entire room with the most heavenly smell of gardenias. I just have one plant of each ( the pink is called Chestine Gowdy ) and I've learned to cut them to my hearts content. I leave a few in the garden but the rest come inside for big, luscious bouquets!
Here's a section of our largest border. The Knock Out roses I added last year are a great improvement to the color scheme of this garden. They bloom spring - frost and from a distance they really pop against all of the green in the surrounding lawn and tree line.
Our wild beach roses are in full bloom at the cottage too!
Back at home my pot of gold and yellow violas are shining bright next to the hen house
and my Lady Banks rose is climbing high up the side and around the front too!
Rainbow Swiss Chard
Sugar Snap Peas
Sunflower Seedlings
June is a jubilant month in the garden! I hope you saw something here you'd like to try in your garden. Most of what I featured today can be grown in containers on your patio or deck too.
Even the peas!
I hope you enjoyed this little taste of our June Blooms!
I'd better run... My garden trowel is calling! I've still got geraniums, herbs and a ground cover tree garden to plant!
I'll be back next week with more blooms! In the meantime, happy gardening whatever, wherever, or however you grow!
It's all GOOD growin'!
PS. So sorry about having to turn on Word Varification for comments. I'll try it for a while to see if I can slow down all the spam I've been getting lately. :(
Hope it won't keep ya from saying hello!

What a gorgeous garden!
Wonderful photos ! Everything looks great . We have had rains and sun and now back to rains for tonight and tomorrow my gardens are doing well to but the WEEDS holly molly they always grow faster then anything else lol ! Thanks for sharing ! Happy gardening !
I love peonies too! They were my sister's wedding flower and they made breath-taking bouquets!!:) i look forward to them in my garden every June!:) love your roses too! I bet they smell great!
Thank you for the wonderful tour! Everything looks so green and grand.
I tried this little rhubarb jam recipe and it turned out yummy!
5 cups chopped rhubarb
3 cups sugar
1 small pk. raspberry or strawberry Jello
Cook rhubarb with sugar until sauce-like (I was chicken and added 1/4 cup of water to the mixture just in case it might scorch!). Remove from heat and stir in the Jello. Pour into jars to cool and then refrigerate or freeze.
I think that there are many variations of this recipe online. I thought about using other flavors of Jello..
Beautiful peonies!
Sounds yummy Janice... Thanks for sharing it! I make pie mostly so this will be fun to try next time I harvest some rhubarb!
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