Dear Friends,
WOW! Welcome to week # 52 of the Farmgirl Friday Blog hop! A milestone to be remembered!
As I think back over the last year of hosting this hop I am in awe of the talent and generosity everyone has shared here. We've had a REMARKABLE year of watching homesteads, farmyards, front yards and city decks blossom with creative ideas stretching across the United States, into Canada, the Netherlands, Australia, and beyond!
Quilts, clothes, and totes have been pieced together on cold winter days.
Gardens have been dreamt into fruition, pots have boiled with delicious soups and stews, ovens have baked countless of loaves of homemade bread, pies and scrumptious one- dish dinners. Tomatoes have been canned, cucumbers pickled, and more jams and jellies have been put- up than you can shake a wooden spoon at!
Bee's have been kept and honey harvested. Barns have sheltered the birth of new life in the wee hours of the morning, spring chicks have been hatched ( and delivered ) cows and goats have been milked, cheese and soaps have been made. Our homes have been given UP- DOS galore as we've made-do and- made- use of others castoffs.
We've made our own homemade laundry soap, hand lotions, shampoo and cleaning supplies. Fences have been mended, barns restored and old ways along with them. Clothes have been hung out to dry, but no dirty laundry has been aired! How refreshing!
A year of holidays have come and gone, children have been loved, and families have grown stronger, more self- reliant. And, " new " friends have been made. Friends who know our sadness when we lose a chicken to a predator, or disease. Someone to reach out to when despite our best efforts, our vegetable garden fails, someone suffers an illness, or loses a job. Friends to laugh, LEARN and celebrate with, inspire and be inspired by!
Friends who find joy in encouraging others day to day.
Yes, I'm talking about
all of you! Thank
YOU from the bottom of my
" farmgirl " heart for your friendship, encouragement and inspiration for the last 52 weeks!
FARMGIRL HUGS ALL AROUND! ( Yes, you too Clint )
What's your favorite thing about Farmgirl Friday? Recipes, farming, gardening, up cycled makeovers, crafts, quilting, home remedies, bee keeping ,chicken keeping, goat's and cows? Do tell!!!
Personally, I think we are just getting warmed up! So with out further adieu...
Here are the rules for the Farmgirl/boy Friday Blog Hop!
1.) Write a post about your farmgirl lifestyle and brag a little about your farmgirl talents while your at it! Include lots of photos of your farm, crafts, animals, quilts, home decor projects and thrifty make overs, your backyard garden, chicken coop, recipes, studio or workshop. You get the idea!
2). Leave your entry in the Mr. Linky space to your Farmgirl Friday post.
3). Please include the Farmgirl Friday button ( or link back here ) in your post and remember to share this hop with all of your blogging friends!
Happy Easter!