I've been a fan of all things MaryJanes'Farm since I discovered her magazine in a local Barns and Noble book store a few years ago. Finding MaryJanesFarm was truly a " lightning bolt " moment in my life. I am also a HUGE fan of her books. Many of you know that I do a little writing on the side for MaryJane'sFarm as her BEACH farmgirl blogger.
MaryJane's IDEA BOOK ~ COOKBOOK ~ LIFEBOOK " for the Farmgirl in all of us " is my go- to book for inspiration in the garden, kitchen and my favorite read for keeping my farmgirl heart fluttering away towards my BIG FARMGIRL DREAMS too! I call it the " OTHER GOOD BOOK ". I was thrilled when MaryJane agreed to let me offer all of you a chance to win her bible of farmgirl goodness! No farmgirl home should be without one !
Here's how you can enter to win one for your very own!
You have THREE chances to win this amazing book!
Like MaryJanesFarm facebook page
Like Dandelion House facebook page
Leave ONE comment below telling me if you liked both pages.
Share how you discovered MaryJanesFarm and what your BIGGEST farmgirl DREAM IS!
If you are a member of the MaryJanesFarm FARMGIRL Sisterhood include your sisterhood number too! Not a member yet? Go check it out to see what you've been missing!
I'm PROUD sister # 1199
I'll announce the winner right here next Monday! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.

What a great giveaway! I have been meaning to join the sisterhood, I went ahead and signed up, paid the $20, now I am awaiting my number. WOOP! I have been into Mary Jane's since I first saw the magazines at the Tractor Supply store a few years ago. Love LOVE the magazine!
sorry... so sorry.. forgot to tell you I "liked" your FB some time ago, but I just "liked" Mary Jane's this morn. Thanks for the entry!
I love this giveaway! Please enter me. I follow Mary Jane on Facebook. You know I follow you on Blog as well as Facebook. I love reading your blog for Mary Jane's. I think I will have to join the sisterhood real soon..so much fun.Thank you for this giveaway Deb...
I forgot to share how I found Mary Jane's Farm..Belk in our city has carried her items for a number of years and we love them. My daughters and I all love her items. We found out a few years back about her..get her magazine and love it! My farm girl dream would be to have a Big Barn with red roof like my grandmother had. To fill it with animals. To have the fenced in field to the side of my house filled with beautiful animals roaming. I have chickens and love them and dogs...always Southern, Country and farm girl at heart..Thanks Deb for this giveaway.
I would love to read MaryJanes books but I dont do face book . Sounds like a great giveaway though . I will have to see if I can find here book here in Ontario ! Have a great day !
Thanks for the great giveaway. I don't facebook and not in the sisterhood but follow all the farmgirl blogs and love all things MaryJane. A friend from Okla. told me about her a couple of yrs ago ~ and here I live in Idaho just across a mountain ridge from her farm! Just visited the MaryJane store in Moscow last Thursday! Need to make arrangements to meet her in person!
Heavenly blessings! Cathy R.
Hello Deb,
What an AWESOME giveaway. I just got my copy and I LOVE it. Good luck ladies!
MJF first brightened my life when I worked at a local farm store about four years ago. I have never joined the sisterhood but hope to someday. My dream is to be able to raise my children on a small farm just as my parents raised me. This is a lovely giveaway - I'm glad it showed up on FB; love your articles in the MJF magazine. Thanks!
Terrific giveaway! I "liked" both your page and MaryJane's Farm FB pages. Just discovered MaryJane's Farm at the end of your simplicity pledge post and joined the Sisterhood on Friday - my number is #3858. I'd love this book - thanks so much for introducing me to MaryJane's Farm and the Sisterhood!
I would LOVE to win this giveaway!!! I "liked" both pages on fb. My fb page "Heritage Schoolhouse" also "likes" both pages.
Thank you!
Mrs. H.
Ok, I liked both pages on FB and my greatest dream is to become a rancher/farmer! Love the giveaway, too!
I like both pages. I've enjoyed mary janes farm for 2 years. Fell in love with the farm girl stories and graphics. My dream is to be totally off grid, self sufficient not need a store if I can help it. I love dressing my own way in skirts aprons and just being me!! :)
I did just what you said and I liked them both on FB. I didn't even know there was a sisterhood. I first learned about Mary Jane's farm when someone brought a copy of her magazine to my farm.
I "liked" both your's and Mary Jane's pages some time ago. I discovered Mary Jane's Farm about three years ago when my sister brought one of her magazines along on a camping trip. I was enchanted by it, and read the whole thing from cover to cover at least twice. I don't think I've ever found a publication that so inclusively covers my interests. I also enjoy reading the farm girl sister's blogs!
I like both of you and I 'LIKED' both of you ! ;~P I first discovered MJF a few years ago while visiting my eldest daughter who subscribed to it. I hurried home and subscribed, too!
My Farmgirl dream is to get more animals back on my little farm and in addition to raising cows, horses, rabbits, and assorted fowl (years ago), I would like to try my hand at goats and sheep ~ milking and making cheese!
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
Hello Deb!
I hope you are having a great week. You know that I LOVE your blog. I have awarded you The "VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD". You write about a diverse series of issue dear to my heart. Please go to my blog to pick it up. Congratulations! You deserve it.
Hi! I bought my first copy of Mary Jane's Farm at my local TSC. I LOVE it on SO many levels and have finally gotten a subscription and waiting for my first delivery! I live on a small farm with about 20 horses, love to garden, cook and be outside. I'm also on the path to living a green life and would love to be 'off the grid' someday! I just found this blog and will probably be checking you out on a regular basis! Any friend os Mary Jane's is a friend of mine!
Great giveaway! I already 'liked' MaryJanes on FB but just 'liked' your page tonight! I found MaryJane in Tractor Supply. I had been in there a few times and had seen the cover but one time there was a long checkout line so I picked up a copy and couldn't put it down! Ever since then it's my favorite magazine and website. She is such an inspiration! My dream someday is to have our own farm, not just renting one. This year might be the realization of this dream! I sure hope so! Anyway I'm farmgirl sis # 2595! Have a fabulous week!
Oh what a wonderful book. I have been wanting to get this book for a while. I have no number yet but hope to. A few years ago a friend of mine had shown me a copy of the magazine And I just had to get one for myself. I have had a subscription ever since.
Oh ya, I liked both of you
I liked MaryJanes Farm on facebook a long time ago, so I can't do that again, but I liked your page today...and will continue to check back. Just discovered ya through the Jabez Farm Blog.
I hae always been curious about Mary Janes Farm. I visited the website via your post. I'm afraid I'm not on facebook. I was excited to learn more. Thanks for the nudge in that direction.
I LOVE both pages! and have "liked" them as well. Thanks to the sisterhood, I have come across you wonderful blog.
Patty Sisterhood #1840
I have this book and all of MaryJane's other books.
Like you, I use them often for reference on recipes, sewing, gardenin, camping, etc.
Good luck to all, you'll really love this!
I'm not a Farmgirl sisterhood member but I am on the Farm Girl Connection.
I've checked this book out so much at the library that I'm sure the librarian must think I should just purchase it LOL
i liked both pages. i discovered Mary Jane about 2 years ago and love it!! i was excited to see that the type of person i was fit into the homesteading world just fine :) my biggest goal right now is moving onto more land and going off grid!
Hi! I liked both pages on FB. I have been a subscriber to MJF for a few years- always a birthday gift from my mom. I found the magazine through Tractor Supply, they have a nice offering of magazines. I fell in love with it and decided I needed to subscribe. I really want to join the sisterhood too.
I liked your facebook and hers. My biggest farmgirl dream is to have a jersey milk cow!
This is the first time I have heard of Mary Jane, but she looks like a soul sister!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I've enjoyed visiting today. Never heard of Mary Jane's before so thank you for the info and good luck to whoever wins her book.
This is a great give-a-way idea; I've wanted one ever since I first found MJF. I happened across a magazine in a bookstore one day, a couple years ago, and was hooked. There isn't one thing that I don't like about it and, through a friend, I was able to join the "sisterhood" (#3282) last year. It makes me reminiscent of the days when I could grow my own food and dreamt of have my own small farm. Those drams are having to be re-thought now and Mary Jane lifts my heart when I feel down about it, So Thanks, MJF! :)
I now like bot Mary Janes Farm and you on Facebook :))
I forgot the dream! My biggest farmgirl dream is... to have a farm and live off the grid, like my grandparents did.
What a fun giveaway! I already have liked your page in the past and Mary Jane's as well. I discovered Mary Jane through you and your blog :) My farm girl dreams consist of love, family, animals and enjoying working with the land. ~Melissa
Hey girls! If I win can I give it to my wife or daughter?
I found out about Mary Jane's Farm when my husband brought home a magazine for me from the store. He said, "I thought this looked like something you'd like." Can you beat a man like that?!
I think I liked both of them under my real name and Lil' Suburban Homestead!
This giveaway is so exciting!
I have this book! Good luck to whoever wins it! You will love it.
I "liked" both FB pages! Thanks for the chance to win! I found Mary Janes Farm Magazine after I started my blog and was excited to find other "Farm girls". I am a proud Farmgirl and everything with that name catches my eye!
Facebook fan of both. Can't remember how I found Mary Jane Farms, but have been following for over a year now. I hope to learn, laugh, cry, and be inspired by so many wonderful women sharing their stories!
I liked Mary Jane's Farm on FB.
I like your FB page as well.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter this awesome giveaway!
Oh, I'm very disappointed that I can't enter this giveaway! :( I dumped my Facebook account awhile back. Looks like a great book though. :)
Melinda, No one is excluded from this giveaway. Consider yourself entered and please visit www.maryjanesfarm.org to learn more about the queen bee of organic living on a farmgirl budget! You'll fall in love!
Oh what a great give away...I am Liking you both on FB...I first spotted MaryJane at where else but The Tractor Supply Co Store and then started noticing the name everywhere on other Farm Girl blogs.
I would love to win this great book...Then I might stop drooling on the one at TSC hehe
Blessings Kelsie
I like both the FB pages. I am enjoying exploring your blog. Just found my way here via White Wolf Summit Farmgirl's blog. =)
I am not a farmgirl myself, but so pretending sometimes. =)
Liked both pages. Would love the book! I do get the magazine but have not joined the sisterhood yet. I started following your blog also. Thanks for the entry!
"Liked" both pages on facebook! Would love to win the book, I've been a fan of the magazine for a couple of years since my dear sister gave me one!
Hi, hope you are feeling better. I am so glad your on Linky. I thought I was going to lose you. I am now following you on linky. I would love it if you followed me back. I love the give away. You do such nice thing for everyone. Rest and take care of your self.
Just stopping by from the Linky Party Hop. I hope you will visit www.laughterandgrace.com and follow back.
Excited to find you via the Linky Blog Hop! I'm a new follower! Hope you can come visit mine: http://www.eccentricleopard.com/ - Tera
Found you via the Linky hop and have become your newest follower. Looking forward to reading your future posts. Hope you have time to visit and perhaps follow me back.
I liked both Mary Janes Farm and Dandelion House on Facebook!
Hi! I just found Mary Janes thru your blog here! I'm so glad I found both of you!! I hopped over from the Homestead Barn Hop and am so glad I did. Part of my farmgirl dream is to just live more simple. I would love to garden more, gather my own eggs, plant more flowers, and just take time to enjoy life and smell the flowers. My goal is to teach my kids how to slow down and know the simple things that can be enjoyed from living in the country :)
So glad I found your lovely blog. I'm following you with the new Linky tool, straight from the Linky blog hop. I look forward to getting to know you better, Lori
Hi. I like your page and also the Mary Janes farm page and follow your blog already. I found my first issue of MaryJanes farm (an old issue on ebay) after a fan of my facebook page Fresh Eggs Daily recommended it. I am now a subscriber and also gave gift subs to my two co-admins on facebook for Christmas.
My farm girl dream is to dig my ducks a 'real' duck pond, landscaped with a waterfall and everything.
Fresh Eggs Daily
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